Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Ups and Downs

This past week, my emotions have been up and down.
You go from being on top of the world,
To wondering what the (insert choice word) is going on.

Figuring out what is best for you,
And at the same time making sure you aren't hurting others.
Its hard to do both when what is best for you at that time is not in line with the other person's wants.
I feel this week I've hurt people I care about,
But we are working through it together.

The one thing that has helped me through it all is knowing I have a Heavenly Father who loves me!
He has put this trial in my life for a reason.
I obviously have something to learn from it.
What is so great about it is that I know I am not alone in the journey.
My Heavenly Father is always there for me.
If I have learned anything these past few days, it is that He is constantly there for me.

This is my favorite hymn and it brings such comfort to my life.
As I am going through this difficult time,
I know that the Lord is on my side and always will be.
I may not know what exactly will come from all of this,
But I have faith He knows what is best for me.

As we all go through the "Ups and Downs" of life
I hope we can all know that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us
And wants us to succeed in life.
My life would be nothing without His loving guidance.

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