Thursday, May 26, 2011


Canker. (Such an ugly word) Definition: an erosive or spreading sore. They are most commonly seen in the mouth around the gums and the cheeks. They are painful and annoying. No sure cause.

I used to NEVER get cankers. Only on rare occasions after having something really sour and citrusy (not sure that's even a word). But then I got into college and things changed. There was a time when I had a canker in my d*** mouth for over two months. Painful? HECK FREAKING YEAH!!!!!

I was trying to figure out why in the world I was having all these cankers. Then I figured it out. I get cankers when I am stressed. And I'm not just talking about one lonely canker... I'm talking about 3 or 4 of the stupid little things at once.

Yesterday I was at dinner with my dear friend Liz Waite. As I was eating I noticed that there was something that hurt as I was eating my food. I couldn't figure it out for a bit but then I was like "Oh crap! That's a canker." At first I didn't think anything of it and just forgot about it. Then as the night went on I noticed that I had a few others in my mouth. I just didn't understand why all these cankers showed up all the sudden. As I was thinking about it, I figured it out.


And it sucks! So now I have 4 cankers in my mouth being painful little things. And I wish I could just make it all go away. But that would mean I would figure out what to do with my life. Which is going to take me a while. So I guess I'll just have to handle the canker sores in my mouth until that time. Wish me luck!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Arrrr!!! A PIrate's Life for Me!

Yo ho! Yo ho!

So last night I went to the midnight showing of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.
Let me quickly recap getting the tickets to the movie :
  1. Talking with Liz and being convinced to go to the midnight showing.
  2. Trying to figure out who was all going
  3. Somehow being roped into buying the tickets
  4. Buying 7 tickets for the people who said they wanted to go
  5. Having 2 more people decide they wanted to go
  6. 3 more people being added on.
  7. Finding seats that were all close together.
  8. CRAZY!!!!!
So that is what got me to the movie.
Was it worth my time and effort? HECK TO THE FREAKING YES!!!!
It was very well done. The cast was amazing!
There were some new characters that I just loved!!

First we have Blackbeard. Great new villain. He did a fabulous job! Enjoyed learning a little bit more about this infamous pirate.

Next is Jack's new love interest, Angelica. Sexy woman, who is a perfect match for Jack. I am interested to see what they are going to do with the romance in the next movie

Then there is the love birds. Phillip and Syrena. Phillip is just sexy and such a great guy. Syrena is a mermaid and is gorgeous! I loved this strange romance in the movie!

It was a fabulous movie to say the least. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Finding Purpose

Lately I have felt like I am stuck in a rut... and I have no idea how to get out of it. I don't know what I need to change in my life to make it better. Do I continue with school? If so, what do I major in? What career path should I take? Do I just stop school and work full time? Do I go on a mission for my church? Do I move somewhere completely new and start over? Right now I am just like what the hell am I supposed to do with my life?!?! (Sorry, I don't usually swear but I am just upset).

I see my loved ones around me figuring it all out and I just wish that could be me! My sister, Kaitlyn, and one of my best friends both have just received their mission calls. They know that they need to give up 18 months of their lives to serve the Lord. I see all my friends around me deciding what they are going into at school and what career path they are choosing. Some of my friends are getting married and starting their families.

I know I should just figure out some type of goal to work towards and have faith that the Lord will make sure everything falls into the place at the appropriate time. President Monson said
"This is our one and only chance at mortal life—here and now.
The longer we live, the greater is our realization that it is brief.
Opportunities come, and then they are gone.
I believe that among the greatest lessons we are to learn in this short sojourn upon the earth are lessons that help us distinguish between what is important and what is not.
I plead with you not to let those most important things pass you by as you plan for that illusive and nonexistent future when you will have time to do all that you want to do.
Instead, find joy in the journey—now

I think I know what I need to work towards. Finding joy in my life. Being happy for my sister and friend on serving mission, for my friends getting married, and for everyone else in my life that is doing something great. As I go through changes in my life, which can leave me feeling like nothing is going right, I need to realize God's hand is in all things. He knows that this is something I need to learn and grow from. And as I try and figure it all out, I need to be happy.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Big Time Rush

Ok... Don't judge me.
But I am kinda in love with the band Big Time Rush.

Are they a Nickelodeon band? Yes... Yes they are.
Do I care? Nope. Not at all.

It all started one night when I was just watching T.V. with my younger siblings.
The show "Big Time Rush" came on and we started watching it.
I asked them what this show was and they explained to me that it was a boy-band and their life at their boarding school.
I was like sweet I'll watch it, not knowing that I would fall in love with it!
I am guilty of watching the show.

But then my love for them grew even more.
They came out with the fabulous song "Boyfriend"
Please take a few minutes to listen to it.
Its kinda a dumb video.
But then again... Most music videos are.

Am I currently listening to it? OF COURSE!!
It is like the story of my life right now.
I wish I could have a boy sing this to me.
What girl wouldn't fall for a guy who was telling her that he just wants to date her?
My love for BTR grew from this song.
Granted, I didn't realize it was them for a little while.
But believe me, when I found out I was ecstatic!

So there you have it.
Alexa Smith still watches Nickelodeon.
And has a crush on Big Time rush.
So sue me... I like their music.
And they are super attractive

Oh and a shout out goes to Sarah Goodman's dad.
I found out today that he reads this blog everyday.
So hello Mr. Goodman!
You have the greatest daughter!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mission Calls

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, members can serve missions to help spread the Gospel to people all around the world. Traditionally, the young men serve for 2 years after they turn 19 and young women can go out after they turn 21 and they serve for 18 months.

Today, my dear oldest sister got her mission call.
She has been called to serve in the Buenos Aires North mission.
She leaves August 17.
(which is the same day my brother left 6 years ago)
I am so excited for her!
She is going to be a great missionary for the Church.
It is going to be a great experience for her and I fully support her decision to go.
She is going to be missed greatly!!
And the reality that she will most likely be gone while one of us gets married is upsetting.
But if that person ends up being me, you can guarantee I will be going to Argentina on my honeymoon just to see my sister.

Kaitlyn, I just want you to know how much I love and admire you. You have been a great role model in my life and you continue to be a great example to me. I hope one day to be a great as you. You are going to be a wonderful missionary! I won't promise you anything, but I hope to write to you more than I wrote to Jacob. I love you so much!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


We all have a mom in this world. Even if she has passed on or is not around... We all had a mother at one point in time in our lives. And each year we set aside a specific day to celebrate these wonderful women that brought us into this world. If it weren't for them, none of us would exist.

I know everyone says "I have the GREATEST mom in the WORLD!!!" but I beg to differ. It might be a little biased, but I truly believe that my own mother, Lana Smith, is the greatest mom and girl could ask for. She has been through many trying times in her life, but despite those times she always was a good mother. I feel she has raised me well. She has been there for me through all of the hard times in my life. And even though she could have easily told me "I told you so" she never did. I know it must have been hard on her to see her daughter get hurt or make a stupid mistake, but her support is what got me through that difficult time.

Mom, if you are reading this know that I love and appreciate everything you have done for me and everything you are continuing to do for me! You are so great! I am blessed to be able to say I am your daughter! I hope one day to be a great mom like you! I love you!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

I've Got the Grey's

Most of you are probably like "Isn't it 'I've got the blues'?"
Well yes... Yes that is what people usually say.
But I'm not experiencing feeling "blue" right now.
I am actually feeling GREY-T!
Why is it that?
It is because my sister and I have gotten our mom addicted to Grey's Anatomy.

Which by the way is my all time favorite show.
So have I been ditching out on my friends to come home and watch it?
I am loving watching it all from the beginning again.
Sure I miss out on an episode here or there.
But still just watching it all again makes my heart so happy!
If you don't watch Grey's Anatomy...
You are definitely missing out!!