Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Comment Girl

We all know those people who just always have to raise their hand in class and make a comment every five seconds. They are the ones that say things that don't even really relate to anything else that is being said. They annoy some of us, while others get a good laugh about the whole situation. Usually I am annoyed by all the comments Comment Girl (or boy) has, but last night was a different story.

I was down in Provo yesterday at Seven Peaks with some friends. After we were done there and all changed, I went over to Justin's place to eat some ice cream and hang out with him for a bit before I had to head back home. His roommate, Glenn, started talking with us which was way fun. He started telling us about Comment Girl that is in their stake institute class. He convinced us to go to institute that night and we agreed, partly to see how bad this Comment Girl was, on my part at least.

So we headed off to institute. As the lesson started I was just waiting for someone to raise their hand and say something. That was when I heard the teacher call on someone down in front. I couldn't really hear what she was saying but I looked over at Justin and Glenn, and they were both like "That's her! Its Comment Girl" haha. So Justin and I kept watching her throughout the whole class. It was funny to look down and see her there with her hand raised and then see how the teacher was purposefully avoiding looking at her so he didn't feel obligated to call on her. This happened throughout the whole class. Occasionally he would call on her and Justin and I would just chuckle.

To all you Comment Girls and Boys: If you keep raising your hand but aren't called on, take it as a sign that the teacher thinks that whatever you have to say is irrelevant. Haha

To the Comment Girl from last night: Thank you for entertaining me. :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

You know you work too much when...


You know a line has been crossed when you are suddenly dreaming about being at work. And I'm not talking about the desire dreaming, I'm talking about how I was in bed and I literally had a dream of being at work. I did all my little jobs I had to do and went through a whole day of work in my dream. Its kinda pathetic. Don't get me wrong. I love my job! I think its the greatest! But I don't want to be dreaming about it after I lived it for 10 hours of my day. I think that is plenty. Once I get home I don't want to think about work until I wake up the next morning to get ready to go again.
So the whole point of this post is that I need a vacation!!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

One Year

Its been one year...
All I can think about today is what happened this day last year.
It was the day I could not stop crying.
It was the day I wish never happened.
It was the day the Search & Rescue finally found Landon's body.
It was the day I knew he was really gone.

My cousin... gone. Just like that. I didn't have a chance to say goodbye and tell him just how much I really loved him and how I wanted to get to know him better. That chance is gone. I know that once he had made up his mind of what he was going to do there was no changing that. But there is still the doubt in my mind that I could have done something to make him want to live and stay with us longer.

I know Landon is in a better place. It doesn't make it easier on the fact that he's gone. How many times I've cried myself to sleep because all I could think about was him, how many times I've prayed to Heavenly Father to help me get through this hard time. And yet I know that Landon has been aware of all of our feelings and has been with us. That fact that he knew I was struggling so much and that I had kept wishing I could have something as a reminder of him and how Aunt Debi showed up one day just to give me the note... I know that Landon has been watching over me and knew what I needed to help ease the pain a little.

Landon, I miss you everyday!! I see the note on my nightstand and just always am reminded of you. I am so happy to know that one day I will be able to see you again and get to know you better. Its been a difficult year, but it just means I am one year closer to seeing you again.  I love you Landy!

You will be in my thoughts forever!

Friday, July 8, 2011

I Discovered Discovery!

They have a strange sound but i love it!! I hope you enjoyed it!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dear Patients...

There are a few favors I have to ask of you.
  1. Try to keep your personal hygiene to yourself. Such as your smell. I don't want to smell smoke or your B.O. Use deodorant. Its just a common courtesy wherever you go.
  2. You don't have to tell me your whole life story. I know you need someone to talk to about these things, but lets be honest... I'm not that person. I have my job I need to be doing but its difficult when you take up 10 minutes of my time to tell me things that I don't need to know.
  3. Keep your sex life to yourself. I don't want to hear how long it has been, or how great it was, or any of that. Its called TOO MUCH INFORMATION.
  4. Remember when your appointment is. I hand you a card with the dates and times on it. You can right down in a planner, put it on your phone, I don't really care. But please just come when you told us you would.
Your Receptionist

Short Guy. Tall Girl.

Everyone has thought about it before... Short guy dating tall girl. Its an odd mix. For some reason it just does not seem right. Is it because the guy is supposed to be all manly and bigger than the girl so he can protect her? I think that is what society has led us to believe. I won't lie. I'm one of those believers. It just does not seem to mix in my mind. But I guess to each their own. Such as this couple:

What spurred this whole post? Well let me tell you. A dear friend of mine sent me a text last night asking me to go on a blind date with this kid. I was like sure why not. I'm always up for a date. So that was that. No questions asked. But that's when my friend decided to tell me that he wasn't a tall guy which got some questions out of me. I come to find out that I am taller than him (I can't help it that I'm 5'8 and am taller than a lot of guys lately). At first we thought it was just by an inch or two. That's not a big deal to me. Then we find out exactly how tall he is... 5'3. That's right... He's a full 5 inches shorter than me. I just laughed about it. Honestly I don't care how tall he is or that I'm going on a date with him tonight, it will still be fun. But I was worried that he wouldn't want to take a girl out that was that much taller. You know... in case he had short man syndrome. I didn't want to hurt his ego. But apparently he's fine with it.

So I'll be going on a date with a shorty. It should be fun. Will definitely make my "Weird Things That Have Happened on Dates" list. But that's what will make it enjoyable right? So we'll see how it goes. If anything I will make a new friend tonight which to me is always the greatest!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; One Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all!"

How great it is that we are able to celebrate our nations freedom every year on the July 4th. I thank all the men and women who helped make this country free, and to all of those who have helped keep it free, and to those who are still fighting to keep America a free country.

Here is a funny remix of OneRepublic's song "Apologize". I find it suiting for today. Please enjoy!

The Fourth of July has always been one of my favorite holidays. Barbeques, friends, swimming, and fireworks. Each year its a little different throughout the day, but the night always ends the same... with a BANG! Let freedom ring!