Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

This Valentine's Day has been completely different than my other V-Days. One I woke up and didn't even realize it was the day of love. I got to work and then remembered. Noticed I wasn't wearing any red or pink or purple. Could care less if I was dressed up for this holiday. To me it is just another day in my life. Nothing exciting to look forward to, but unlike some years, it does not bother me one bit. As I was thinking back on previous Valentine's Days, I got caught up in all kinds of memories. So I thought I would share them with you all. (The 2 people that do read this)

2008: I was 16 this year. Junior in high school. I was so frustrated with Valentine's day. I was going to be turning 17 soon, it was almost a year since I was able to start dating. I hadn't had my first kiss yet. The boy I liked had just started dating someone else. I was just mad at love. It wasn't going the way I wanted it to, so what did I decide to do? Protest Valentine's. My friend, Casie, and I wore black that day and told everyone that we were protesting love. Casie didn't last long. She and the boy she had been talking with became official that day. Ha ha. So I was alone in my protest.

2009: Much better Valentine's Day than the previous year. I had met a boy two weeks before and had gone a date with him and talked to him all the time. He lived 2 hours away, but it worked out that I was able to go visit him and he was my Valentine that year. We went to dinner at my favorite restaurant at the time, Olive Garden, then we went to a movie, want to say in was Taken, but can't remember. After the movie, we got back into his car and were about to head back to his house when he leaned across the seat and kissed me. It was my first kiss and was perfect. It was with a boy I cared about dearly, it wasn't to awkward, its was just... Perfect. Michael became my boyfriend after that and we dated for the next 5 months before I left for Utah. It was a great Valentine's Day. I got my first kiss and my first boyfriend all in one night.

2010: Valentine's Day was on a Sunday this year and it happened to be my best guy friend, Ammaron's mission farewell. We had joked when I first met him that I'd come to his farewell and that I'd bring him flowers. Little did I know that he would become my best friend. We would talk all the time and help each other through some difficult things we were going through. I was dating someone else when we first became friends that it never crossed my mind to like Ammaron as anything more than friends. But as the next few months went by and I talked to him everyday, my feelings for him grew. I asked him to go on a big group date with me one week before he left. That's when I realized how much I liked the kid and wished I would have a chance to date him. I went to his farewell on Valentine's Day. I had bought flowers for him and wrote him a note that he wasn't allowed to write until he went into the MTC. I said goodbye to him without letting him know how I truly felt. But we have kept in touch as he's been gone and he gets home soon. I cannot wait to see him again!

2011: Its sad... I honestly don't remember what I did for Valentine's Day last year. And honestly I don't really care. Haha I know there was a boy I liked at the time, but knew that nothing was going to happen anytime soon. I most likely just hung out with some friends and made them all Valentine's Day cards.

2012: This year... My best friend, Elysia, agreed to be my Valentine. Ha ha. It feels like a weird V-Day this year. I thought that I would have a Valentine for the rest of eternity, but my Heavenly Father had a different plan for me. It was hard to accept at first, but I'm learning to be patient and know that He knows what is best for me. I'm not going to let a silly holiday get my feelings down because I don't have a significant other in my life. I'm going to take this holiday as a day to show my love to:

  • All those people in my life who have helped me through the hard times; 
  • All the new people in my life who accept me for who I amp; 
  • All the people I may get annoyed with at times, but still care about;
  • All the people that I may not still talk to, but have helped me at some point in time in my life.
Today is about loving everyone I have ever met in my life and show them how they have helped me become who I am today. I love where my life is taking me now. I love all the people who support me in life. I love that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and is always there for me. Today I am just going to love life and everyone it!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. It is always nice to fall in love to the right person at the right time. i enjoyed reading your post. It is very inspiring. :)

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