Wednesday, August 24, 2011


So today at work, I had one of the CRAZIEST guys come in! This kid was legit insane!

I was just working away when this kid walks up to my desk. I greet him like everyone else and asked him if he was there for an appointment or if there was something else I could help him out with. He proceeds to tell me that he was there to help promote his business and he began telling me about this AMAZING deal they had going on. He works at 5th South Salon & Day Spa and they were having a 90% discount. That's right 9-0! He told me all about the deal and how if you just paid $48 you would get all these great things. I told him I was not interested and that of course shocked him. He proceeded to tell me that I would get a nice new haircut. I told him I had friends that I went to for my hair and then he had the nerve to tell me that the people at his salon were "professionals" and could really make my hair look so much better. Really dude? You are going to start ragging on some girls hair thinking she will want to go to your salon after you insulted her?! I mean COME ON!!

Well I told him I was not interested and he finally accepted that. But then asked if he could talk to some of the other employees. I told him all the therapists were back with patients and wouldn't be able to come up. That must have made him even more determined to talk to one of them because he would not stop asking. I told him that they wouldn't be able to and that he would be better off trying somewhere else. Then I turned and went back to my work and he left.

But I was mistaken... He didn't leave... He went to the back where all of our patients were breaking so many HIPPA rules because he saw my boss and one of the other owners walk back there. So he goes and starts talking to them about the amazing deal. Jason was mad. He kept telling the kid to come up to the front to talk with him, but crazy was like "Who are you? The owner?" making Jason even more mad at the idiot. Finally the kid goes up front with Jason and I walk back and see him there and was so confused. Jason was explaining to the kid that it was inappropriate what he did and that he just violated all those patients privacy and told him that he needed to leave. So the kid walks off and then Jason called out and asked him for his name. Without turning around he said his name was Bob.

So right after Bob had departed, Jason comes up and starts asking me what in the world happened and I started to explain when Bob pops back and starts telling Jason not to get mad at me because it wasn't my fault. Jason had reached his limit by this point and told Bob that there were certain procedures that needed to be followed and that he was inappropriate in his behavior, but obviously Bob didn't get it and just kept telling Jason it wasn't my fault. Finally he left for reals. And I explained everything to Jason and it is now just a funny joke to us.

So there are a few things I'd like to say to all you "Bobs" out there:
  1. Learn what is appropriate and inappropriate in a medical setting. Patients don't want random people to walk into the medical office and see them. It can be a very sensitive thing they are dealing with.
  2. When someone tells you no, they mean it the first time. So listen the first time and don't make them keep repeating it to you.
  3. Don't piss off Jason.

1 comment:

  1. Haha this made me laugh. The guys sounds creepy weird. lol
