Tuesday, November 29, 2011

2011 Thanksgiving Weekend

I meant to get this post done sooner, but alas the only time I really sit down at a computer is when I am at work on Tuesdays and Thursday bored outta my mind. So here I am, at 7:30 in the a.m., trying to stay awake, writing a blog all about my wonderful weekend.

Thanksgiving Day: It was the first day I got to sleep in until about 10:30 for a LONG time. Was it wonderful? Heck freaking ya! I wish it would be a more common thing in my life. I got up. Helped with some cooking. Got ready. Cleaned a little. By 1:00 p.m., I was out the door with my family on our way to Sandy. We got down there and I played with my cute little cousins (and some of the big ones). Ate so much delicious food. Gouchi Gouch. Explored my Aunt Sue's house. Watched some football. Took a nap. Watched the last play of the Cowboy's game. Pie. Left to go to Michael's with my mom, the twin, and the Mad to start some Black Friday shopping. Got home. Went to bed.

Black Friday: Probably what makes Thanksgiving my favorite holiday. I didn't go to Wally World with my mom the night before because I wanted to wake up early the next morning. But they did get some good buys there in all that craziness. Woke up and was out the door by 6:00 a.m. We started out in Khols. Got some good things there. Saved $650 (well my mom did). Then to breakfast at I.H.O.P. The Elle's were being silly. They helped me shop quite a bit. Mad and I found some super cute things for her. My favorite buys were my new coat (that I hate taking off) and boots from Wet Seal. Got home. Slept like there was no tomorrow. Woke up. Showered. Put on some new clothes. Went to Carli's birthday party at the Pizza Factory and Boondocks. Loved the go-carts, even if we were all freezing. Got home. Straight to bed.

Saturday: Slept in again. Got some homework done. Got caught up on Modern Family. Practiced the piano. Did nothing. Went to Erin and Cade's wedding reception. Planned on staying for just a minute. Ended up being there until the very end helping out. I just have to say that I absolutely adore those two together and think they are the cutest couple. So happy for both of them. :) Got home. Went to bed.

Sunday: Got up. Got all ready. Was at church by 9:45 a.m. for ward council. Choir practice. It was our ward conference. I love my Stake Presidency. 3 amazing men called of God. There were just so many great things said in all of my meetings. Those men truly were inspired with what they had to share. I can't think of any other Sunday where I felt the Spirit so much. I am so thankful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Then there was Linger Longer. Tithing settlement. Nap. Games at the Harris residence. Got home. Went to bed.

That was my weekend in a nutshell. It was an excellent one. For those of you who don't know, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love the food, being with family and friends, and shopping all day Friday. But most of all, I love the meaning behind this holiday. I know we should be thankful everyday, but I love having a specific day that we set aside as a nation to really give thanks for all of our blessings.

My Thankful List:
*My family. I don't know where I would be without them. They are absolutely amazing.
*The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. What a wonderful privilege it is to be a member of the true gospel of Christ.
*My friends. Courtney, Kendra, Elysia, and Liz have all been a great help as of late. But the rest of you reading this have all helped me so much and I am thankful for your friendship.
*My job. Wasatch Peak Physical Therapy has been the greatest.
*My trials. They have been hard and a lot has happened within the past two months, but I know they have been given to me for a reason and I know I have learned a lot from them.
*Utah. I was not really excited when I first moved away from Virginia, but I have grown to love it here. It is so beautiful and I love living here now.
*My car. Marvin has his issues, but he gets me from one point to the next.
*School. I love learning and love being able to meet new people up on campus and form new friendships there.

There is so much I am thankful for that I could make this blog so incredibly long (not that it isn't already super long). I am thankful for Thanksgiving for giving me the opportunity to really look at every aspect of my life and see how thankful I am for all of it. Its nice to see what makes me me and see what ways I can continue and grow so I can be  more like my Savior, Jesus Christ. I love you all!! Thank you for reading this. :)

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