Once upon a time, in a town called South Weber, there lived a girl named Alexa Rochelle. Alexa always dreamed of being a princess and living in a princess castle. She was searching for her Prince Charming but it was to no avail. She loved reading stories and watching movies about princesses. Alexa was determined to one day be a princess. Then one day, she heard about a wonderful television show that she began to watch immediately.
As soon as Alexa began to watch it, she was obsessed. It was a dream come true! It was a great story that incorporated all the different fairytale stories into one central story. It showed how a girl that grew up living a hard life was starting to do something great with her life, trying to help all the people from Storybrooke remember who they truly are. Sure, Alexa knew that it was just a story, but she couldn't help but fall in love with the story.
If you have not already started to watch this wonderful show, you most definitely need to! It is excellent!
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