Thursday, May 26, 2011


Canker. (Such an ugly word) Definition: an erosive or spreading sore. They are most commonly seen in the mouth around the gums and the cheeks. They are painful and annoying. No sure cause.

I used to NEVER get cankers. Only on rare occasions after having something really sour and citrusy (not sure that's even a word). But then I got into college and things changed. There was a time when I had a canker in my d*** mouth for over two months. Painful? HECK FREAKING YEAH!!!!!

I was trying to figure out why in the world I was having all these cankers. Then I figured it out. I get cankers when I am stressed. And I'm not just talking about one lonely canker... I'm talking about 3 or 4 of the stupid little things at once.

Yesterday I was at dinner with my dear friend Liz Waite. As I was eating I noticed that there was something that hurt as I was eating my food. I couldn't figure it out for a bit but then I was like "Oh crap! That's a canker." At first I didn't think anything of it and just forgot about it. Then as the night went on I noticed that I had a few others in my mouth. I just didn't understand why all these cankers showed up all the sudden. As I was thinking about it, I figured it out.


And it sucks! So now I have 4 cankers in my mouth being painful little things. And I wish I could just make it all go away. But that would mean I would figure out what to do with my life. Which is going to take me a while. So I guess I'll just have to handle the canker sores in my mouth until that time. Wish me luck!!

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