Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mission Calls

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, members can serve missions to help spread the Gospel to people all around the world. Traditionally, the young men serve for 2 years after they turn 19 and young women can go out after they turn 21 and they serve for 18 months.

Today, my dear oldest sister got her mission call.
She has been called to serve in the Buenos Aires North mission.
She leaves August 17.
(which is the same day my brother left 6 years ago)
I am so excited for her!
She is going to be a great missionary for the Church.
It is going to be a great experience for her and I fully support her decision to go.
She is going to be missed greatly!!
And the reality that she will most likely be gone while one of us gets married is upsetting.
But if that person ends up being me, you can guarantee I will be going to Argentina on my honeymoon just to see my sister.

Kaitlyn, I just want you to know how much I love and admire you. You have been a great role model in my life and you continue to be a great example to me. I hope one day to be a great as you. You are going to be a wonderful missionary! I won't promise you anything, but I hope to write to you more than I wrote to Jacob. I love you so much!!

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