We all know those people who just always have to raise their hand in class and make a comment every five seconds. They are the ones that say things that don't even really relate to anything else that is being said. They annoy some of us, while others get a good laugh about the whole situation. Usually I am annoyed by all the comments Comment Girl (or boy) has, but last night was a different story.
I was down in Provo yesterday at Seven Peaks with some friends. After we were done there and all changed, I went over to Justin's place to eat some ice cream and hang out with him for a bit before I had to head back home. His roommate, Glenn, started talking with us which was way fun. He started telling us about Comment Girl that is in their stake institute class. He convinced us to go to institute that night and we agreed, partly to see how bad this Comment Girl was, on my part at least.
So we headed off to institute. As the lesson started I was just waiting for someone to raise their hand and say something. That was when I heard the teacher call on someone down in front. I couldn't really hear what she was saying but I looked over at Justin and Glenn, and they were both like "That's her! Its Comment Girl" haha. So Justin and I kept watching her throughout the whole class. It was funny to look down and see her there with her hand raised and then see how the teacher was purposefully avoiding looking at her so he didn't feel obligated to call on her. This happened throughout the whole class. Occasionally he would call on her and Justin and I would just chuckle.
To all you Comment Girls and Boys: If you keep raising your hand but aren't called on, take it as a sign that the teacher thinks that whatever you have to say is irrelevant. Haha
To the Comment Girl from last night: Thank you for entertaining me. :)
bahahaha. It's even worse when you are the teacher or leading the discussion and you have to kind of ignore them. So sad, but really people. Take a hint!