Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Dad

My dad is someone I look up to a lot. He is a man of few words, but when he has something to say, everyone will know. He has one of the greatest laughs even though it is rarely heard in full force. But when you do hear it, it is contagious! He is also a very caring person. I recently got this email from him and it touched me. Its a letter he sent to our old ward in Virginia, which was having a birthday party for the start of the ward. So here it is:

Dear Clover Hill Ward Family,

I regret that we were not able to join you at your 20 year celebration, but it is a privilege and an honor to express my feelings about serving as the Bishop of the great Clover Hill Ward.

I have many fond memories of serving as Bishop; first, let me start with the wonderful primary children. I loved seeing them reverently queue up in the hall waiting to go into the Primary room. And then after the block of meetings was over they would then line up for candy at the bishop’s office. My desire was for them to feel comfortable to come to the bishop’s office and know that they were loved. I hoped as they got older and went to see the Bishop, they didn’t expect candy.

Next, I have to mention the excellent youth of the Clover Hill Ward. They probably got tired of seeing and hearing from me all the time. It was rough at first continuing as Seminary teacher and Bishop. But I loved to be around the youth and feel of their spirit. I think back on all the activities, the BYD’s and firesides I attended with the youth, the excitement of the basketball season, the awesome canoe trips on the James River, Bishop’s night at Girls Camp, and the variety of weekly activities were always enjoyable. But I must say, the time spent at the Youth Conferences were the best, staying up late, playing cards, and just hanging out with the youth. The testimonies that were shared and demonstrated through their actions lifted me up and helped me want to be better in my own life.

And of course the primary and youth programs couldn’t have been the incredible programs they were without the many dedicated and inspired leaders. Each of you gave it your all in serving each other and helping one another to come unto Jesus Christ. I truly felt we, as a ward, were on the same path as the City of Enoch. “And the Lord called his people aZion, because they were of
one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; Moses 7:18”

If I had to describe the Clover Hill Ward in one word, I would have to use the word ‘UNITY’. I felt we were united in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This was especially demonstrated during times of crisis and trial within the ward. We all worked together in helping and serving each other become better individuals. Thank you that made my job so much easier.

Brothers and Sisters I love our Savior, Jesus Christ and I want you to know, He loves you. I am so grateful for his atoning sacrifice for us all. I know that as we utilize this magnificent gift it will bring peace and joy to our souls. I know that He has restored His Church on earth here in these latter-days through the Prophet Joseph Smith. We have been blessed with the fullness of His Gospel and a living Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, to lead and guide us at this time. We also have Bishops and other local leaders that help us along the way.

I am eternally grateful for the opportunity I had to serve you as Bishop. I had tremendous support from the ward leaders, particularly my Counselors. Even now my dear friend Joel Maddock steps in and does for me what I was not able to do myself. I appreciated the faithfulness of John, Joel and the other members of the Bishopric, in sustaining me in my calling. They all gave countless hours in discussing and meeting the needs of the ward members (with a little time conversing about cows). It was humbling to see the service that was so freely given by all those who willingly gave of their time and talents in helping to build up the Clover Hill Ward.

I am most thankful to my wife and children for their love and support. Lana was such a pillar to me during my time as Bishop, okay really ever since we were married. I love her so much. We really wanted to be with you this weekend to express our love and thanks in person to our Clover Hill Ward Family.

Some of the Sacrament Meetings I enjoyed the most were the ‘Worship through Hymns’. Although I refrained, I always wanted to assign myself to talk in one of those meetings, but I also wanted to hear from the ward members. So in closing, I wish to have the congregation sing “Because I Have Been Given Much” Hymn #219. I feel this sums up how I saw the Clover Hill Ward and the members attitude during my time as Bishop. I love you all. And say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

For whatever reason I was very touched by this. I just want everyone to know how awesome my dad is and how grateful I am to have him as my father. He is a great example to me and I look up to him so much!! I love you Dad!!

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