Thursday, June 23, 2011

Pet Peeves

We all have them...


Those thigs that just irk your nerves like none other. They are different for everyone, but equally annoying. If only we would always have a warning sign (like the above picture) to let us know what stupid little things will bother us.

Here are a few of my pet peeves:
  1. The Black/ Brown Color Combo. It PISSES me off! Why do people think its ok to wear a black shirt with brown shoes or pants? Its not appropriate. The only time black and brown are acceptable together is when the shirt was already made that way. Other than that... DON'T MIX THE DANG COLORS!!!!
  2. The Radiostation Commercial Breaks. I swear... All the radiostations have some type of alliance or something to go on commercial break at the same time. Do they really want to frustrate me?! They would be smart if they worked it out where one is on break while the other is still playing music. That way they will get more people to listen to there station. Like duh!
  3. Cops Parked on the Side of the On-Ramp. Really? Why would you park there. The driver is supposed to be gaining speed to get onto highway. Are you going to be pulling them over then? No. Its pointless. Park somewhere on a busy street or on the freeway where you know people are going to be zooming past you because they can. That's the way to do it. STOP PARKING ON THE ON-RAMPS!
  4. People at Fast Food Joints. Ok... I'm not talking about the employees here. I'm talking about the idiot people who stand in line for HOURS trying to figure out what they want. They are the ones who are up at the counter with the person ready to take their order and they just can't effing decide what they want. When you get up to the counter KNOW WHAT YOU WANT TO ORDER!!!! Don't take forever and a day and make people wait forever to order.
So there you have it. Just a few of my pet peeves. Now you know what you need to do if you want to piss me off. Haha. But don't make me mad. I realize that this post is going to make me seem like I am mad at the world... But I really am not. I just had to get a few things off my chest. :)

Happy Almost Weekend!


  1. hahaha! I totally get you on this one. I acutally have a post on this topic that I've been composing for a while but it's not complete. I love it! I have so many pet peeves so don't even worry :)

  2. I know. I'm sure I have more than what I listed on here. But these are the few that have been bothering me as of late. haha :)

  3. Hey Lex Luthor! I didn't know you had a blog until you commented on our blog. How outstanding! I don't know about having pet peeves, I have never had many opinions in my life. With black and brown, you can wear them together as long as they alternate- If I am rocking a brown suit, I can wear black shoes as long as my belt is black. Plus the lighter the brown, the easier it is to pull off with black, it can actually look really good. There is some fashion facts from someone you didn't expect to know anything about fashion... but I DO.
