Monday, April 11, 2011

Deaf or Blind

Have you ever wondered what it would be like being either deaf or blind?

This past week I've experienced what it would be like with both of them...

And let me be the first to tell you... It is NOT fun.

My first experience was with being blind. In my Art of Emotional Wellness class (just the name should give you an idea of how ridiculous the class is), my professor decided that he wanted us to experience life without worrying about seeing things. He wanted us to use our other senses to find our way around. He had the whole class put on blindfolds and hold hands as he guided us outside where we were asked to walk around and explore. It was difficult at first but then you started getting used to it and it wasn't all that bad of an experience. It definitely made me think of what it would be like to be blind. And I am very thankful for my sight (even if it is not the greatest), but I realized it would be ok to get by without seeing. The bad part is that you wouldn't be able to see all the beauty around you. I would definitely not choose to be blind, but given the choice between being blind and deaf, hands down I would choose being blind.

Being deaf is no bueno. I've had an ear infection that started coming on last Monday. I wrote it off as nothing and didn't try and do anything for it. It wasn't until Friday that I realized it really was a problem. I woke up Friday and could not hear out of my left ear. I thought it would go away like it had been the past few days. But I tried and tried and tried to get it to clear and it would not. I was so furious. So I just let it go. I was like it will go away if I just leave it alone. Well... it didn't. It only go worse. I could still hear, just not the well. Everything was muffled. And I was annoyed beyond belief. The pain only got worse throughout the day, which was not good because I had promised a friend I'd go to his band's gig that night (I still went). The pain didn't disappear. Saturday it was still bad and started going out in my right ear. At that point my mom had figured I had an ear infection. She told me to use these essential oils that should help. So I used them. It helped a little but not a whole lot. But then it started happening to my right ear. So both ears were out of commission. It is very frustrating not being able to hear. It is now Monday and I am still having a hard time hearing. It is probably the most annoying, painful thing ever!! I can't stand not being able to hear what people are saying!!

That's when I figured it out...

Being deaf is far worse than being blind.

That is my personal opinion at least. I would much rather be able to hear what is going on and not see than being able to see and not hear. It just shows how much I like to be in the know. It bothers me when I don't know what is going on. I just like knowing things for my own self. That's why I get annoyed when people won't tell me things. So if you love me, you will fill me in on all the deets :)

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