Thursday, April 7, 2011


This post goes out to the one and only Jennifer Hansen. Check out her blog: Its great!

So tonight, during institute, I was sitting next to my dear friend, Liz Waite. A little fact about Liz that is important to know for this post is that she likes her personal space. Especially when it is someone of the same sex that is getting close to her. Ha Ha! But anywho... as I was sitting next to Liz, I reached over and took her hand because I know it freaks her out just a little bit and its funny to see her reaction. She was flipping out and I just could not help but laugh.

Then later on we were talking to dear Jenn Hansen. I started telling Jenn what I did during institute and she got a good laugh out of it. She turned to Liz and was like "Oh its ok you can be frezbians!" Liz and I just laughed our heads off! We loved the term that Jenn just came up with at that time... If you have not figured it out yet, frezbians is a term for same sex friends with benefits. Or at least that is how Jenn worded it. It was the funniest moment of my night! Thank you J-Dawg for giving me such a great laugh... You are a great frezbian! :)

1 comment:

  1. BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! FFL (Frezbians for LIFE)! You girls are TOO much fun :)
