What an amazing Easter weekend I've had so far. There has been everything from Easter egg hunts to wedding proposals to elephants.
Yesterday morning, I went to my dear friend's, Jenn Hansen, house for an Easter egg hunt with all of our friends. We had a delicious breakfast prepared by Jenn, Heather, and Jacque. (We even set the fire alarm off). After breakfast, we all went outside, some pushing and shoving was involved, and we set off on our Easter egg hunt! We all went crazy looking for the eggs. Some (Easton, Willy, and Ricky) all went insane! But I guess it paid off for them seeing that they got the most. After we opened all the eggs up and emptied the goodies out, a war broke out. Eggs were flying in every direction!! But it was great fun! Then came our pyramid. It took us a few minutes but we were able to get in all finished and stayed up for about a minute before it collapsed.
After the hunt, I went with my friend, Spencer Arave, to help our friend propose to his girlfriend, or fiance now. We got up to the spot where we were supposed to hide to record the whole proposal. There were some funny moments along the way... Like a lot. A few caught on tape and others not. But it was so great seeing one of our friends propose to his now fiance and see how happy the both were. As soon as I get a copy of the video I will post it and let you all see how much fun Spencer and I had.
Last night was great fun as well!! It started out with going to my brother's school play, Alice in Wonderland. It was short and sweet. And so good!! I was quite impressed. Courtney, Emma, and I all thought it was fabulous! But I think our most favorite part was the sign in the picture below. We thought it was just so funny. "Devils Don't Cheat". Classic.
After that we went to a fantastic movie. Water for Elephants is one that everyone should see. So good! Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon did a fantastic job! It was definitely touching and at some parts I wanted to cry. But boys, don't think its a chick flick. Its one that you will enjoy as well.
Out of everything I did this weekend, nothing can compare to my Easter Sunday. It always starts out the same with an Easter egg hunt with the family. Always a good time. But the hunt is nothing compared to Easter breakfast in the Smith home. Here is what the breakfast consists of: First you take the Wheaties. You put the Wheaties in the bowl. Next you take the strawberries and put them on top of the Wheaties. After that come the Pineapple sherbet which goes on top. To complete it all, pour on the half-and-half. And Bon Appetite! Don't judge it until you've tried it. So weird and random but oh so delicious!
Easter, I've decided, is one of my favorite holidays. It is so bright and colorful. Spring is everywhere! But what I love most about it is the actual meaning behind this day. The Resurrection of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for His loving sacrifice! I know that I would be lost if I did not have the atonement in my life. To know that He suffered for my sins and made it possible for me personally to return to live with my Heavenly Father again is just incredible. I know that Christ rose again on the third day. I know that He is my Redeemer. I am so thankful for Him and everything He went through. I love my Savior with all my heart!
I hope you all have had a great Easter weekend! But most of all, I hope that you have remembered what this day Easter Sunday is truly about.
I'm so glad we got to spend Easter time together this weekend! LOVE YA :)