So I realize this is quite a few days past due... But I am just now finding the time and motivation to write this post. It may be because I'm sitting at work with nothing to do. I find that is the best time to write my blogs. :)
The Christmas season is one of the greatest times of the year! Everyone's attitude changes and you can tell people are just genuinely happier even if they get stressed out and can be rude to other people in stores. There is something about listening to Christmas music that just brightens your day. For me, Christmas is all about the traditions. And in my family there are tons of them that I just love!!
Christmas Eve:
~Around noon o'clock we head to Cracker Barrel for an early dinner. I am not sure how that one started but it just wouldn't be Christmas without going there. Without fail, three of the siblings get basically the exact same meal: Chicken Fried Chicken with mashed potatoes, side salad, corn, carrots, apples, or country potatoes. Mom always makes fun of us for getting the same thing each time, but heck... ITS TRADITION!
~Then afterwards we come home and open our "Siblings Presents" where we each give the sibling we picked the present we bought for them. This year I got two books from my great brother, Bryson. Everyone should read Matched by Ally Condie and Legend by Marie Lu. Both are excellent Dystopian novels.
~Out in Virginia we would go on the Tacky Light Tour looking at all the pretty Christmas lights. This year we didn't do that because we were busy trying to help get Christmas together for a friend who had been kicked out of her home.
~We always end the night with reading the Polar Express. This is probably my most favorite part about Christmas Eve. I love that story so much! It holds a special place in my heart and is something I intend to read to my children each year on December 24th.
Christmas Day:
~We all wake up at 7:00 am. No matter what. When we were young this would kill me because I would be up at 5:00 that morning and have to wait for the parentals to come and get us. We then go into the front room where we have a Christmas devotional. I won't lie... I hated this when I was little. I just wanted to go open all my presents. But we do this devotional where we sing Christmas hymns and read the story of the First Christmas. It is now my favorite thing on Christmas day. I love starting the day off remembering what we truly are celebrating this day.
~Present time. Obviously I love opening presents too. Even if I already know what I'm getting. Its still great. We take turns opening them so that we can see what everyone got. This year I got a nice new camera, some sweaters, a gift card, and my favorite by far was my new HelloGoodbye gear. A nice new t-shirt with Forrest Kline's face on it and a sweatshirt just with HelloGoodbye on it. They are fabulous! Along with those two clothing items, I got a signed Christmas card from Forrest, a copy of their CD, and a bumper sticker that says "This car stops for puppies, kittens, and HELLOGOODBYE SHOWS!" Which is very true for my car.
~After we are done opening presents, we all go upstairs and help get breakfast ready, which usually consists of cinnamon and orange rolls, bacon, sausage, and eggs. Delicious in one word.
~This Christmas was a special one where we got to Skype with my dear sister, Kaitlyn Marie, who is serving her mission in Argentina. I loved talking with her and seeing her face. You can just tell how happy she is and how much she has changed while being out.
~Seeing as Christmas fell on Sunday this year, I had the opportunity to skip out on my YSA ward and go to church with my family. It was so great! I loved the talks and music that was shared. So beautiful.
~Christmas nap. 'Nuff said.
~Christmas dinner. Always delicious. We usually have a Surf an' Turf theme. There is grilled steak and shrimp. Twice baked potatoes. Salad. Rolls. And everything that makes the meal one of the best!
I love Christmas time! It is so great! I realize that I need to be better about keeping the Christmas spirit with me all year long and finding ways to be kind and serve those around me. It is my goal this year to try and remember the true meaning of Christmas and how Jesus Christ came to this earth and made it possible for me to one day return to my Heavenly Father.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Why Men and Women CAN be Friends
There has been a video circulating the Facebook world about if guys and girls can be friends.
If you have not seen it (or just think its hilarious and want to watch again), take a minute to watch it.
I won't lie... Its hilarious. The sandwich guy is by far my favorite!
But... I have to disagree.
This kid is saying its impossible because there is that underlying attraction,
But that does not mean the guy and girl can't still be FRIENDS.
I have many a guy friends who I think are very attractive, but I know they are just FRIENDS
When I was with my ex I got to know his roommates and some of his friends pretty well. There were a few that I thought were so cute, but we were just friends because I was obviously with someone else. They still were my friends and we would talk about things that any friend would talk about. Even after I broke up with the ex, I have still remained friends with one in particular and he's helped me with things and I've helped him. But we still are just FRIENDS.
Another example:
Last year around this time a lot of the guys in my ward just got home from their missions. There was one in particular I thought was so cute and at first I was definitely interested in him. Then I found out that he was dating someone and now they are happily married. But I didn't know him at all before his mission and I feel I got to know him after even though he was dating/engaged/married. He is someone that I love to see and spend time with whenever I can. His wife knows that I'll talk to him. He is probably one of my most favorite people and he is just a FRIEND.
Last Example:
I have had a great guy friend here in So. Weber for the past year and half. He has been a constant friend. I'm pretty sure he has been interested in me from time to time. But in my mind he is just a FRIEND. Once he figured that out, our relationship completely changed. You might think that our friendship ended, when in fact it became so much better. There is just so much more we can talk about and joke around about now. I mean the other night we went to a friend's birthday party together and on our way home he was asking me if I was interested in a guy. My dear friend then went on to give me advice on how to show interest and make sure the guy knew that. It was so great! And you know what he is just a FRIEND. In fact he's one of my BEST FRIENDS. (I even have a friendship bracelet to prove it)
So I disagree with the video.
There may be an attraction to your friend, but you can still be FRIENDS.
Just because there is that instinctive attraction to each other doesn't mean that you can't be FRIENDS.
I personally hope that I will marry my BEST FRIEND.
I may not know him at this time, but I hope we take times to become FRIENDS first.
So its ok to be FRIENDS with people you are attracted to.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
New Hair
It is definitely time for a new hairstyle.
I am sick of my hair!
Its driving me up the wall!
I don't know how to get it styled.
That's where you come in...
Here are the four styles I like
You tell me which one you like.
Emma Watson:
Mandy Moore:
Jessica Alba:
Kelly Clarkson:
So let me know which one you like.
Just comment the actress' name
I'll take a poll of which one gets the most votes.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Two Months Gone By...
It is weird to think that it was two months ago that I made one of the hardest decisions of my life. It is one that I have struggled with for a good portion of these last couple of months. In the beginning, I had lost all hope that I would ever be able to figure out what the Lord wants for me. I had just hurt someone that I loved (and still love, just not in the same way). I didn't feel like I was good enough for anyone or deserved anything. There were so many times I just wanted to run away.
If it were not for the help of some amazing friends and my family, I would have given up hope. They helped me realize that all I needed was to turn to the Lord. It has been a struggle to strengthen my faith and turn to my Savior in order to become happy once again. Through much prayer and reading and listening to the council of prophets and apostles and other motivational speakers, I was able to change my way of thinking. I am thankful now for this trial I had to go through. I've learned so much from it already. I have made changes in my life in order to be happy.
Sure I have my days when I just wanted to cry all day long, but I think that the Lord has something else in mind for my life and my ultimate goal in life is to serve Him and do what it is He would have me do. I know there is something better out there for me (not to say what I had wasn't good). I know the Lord has a plan for me. I should not try to make things work the way I want them and in the time I want them to. I need to trust in the Lord and give my will over to Him.
If it were not for the help of some amazing friends and my family, I would have given up hope. They helped me realize that all I needed was to turn to the Lord. It has been a struggle to strengthen my faith and turn to my Savior in order to become happy once again. Through much prayer and reading and listening to the council of prophets and apostles and other motivational speakers, I was able to change my way of thinking. I am thankful now for this trial I had to go through. I've learned so much from it already. I have made changes in my life in order to be happy.
Sure I have my days when I just wanted to cry all day long, but I think that the Lord has something else in mind for my life and my ultimate goal in life is to serve Him and do what it is He would have me do. I know there is something better out there for me (not to say what I had wasn't good). I know the Lord has a plan for me. I should not try to make things work the way I want them and in the time I want them to. I need to trust in the Lord and give my will over to Him.
"Faith in God includes faith in His timing"-Neal A. Maxwell.
Once Upon a Time
Once upon a time, in a town called South Weber, there lived a girl named Alexa Rochelle. Alexa always dreamed of being a princess and living in a princess castle. She was searching for her Prince Charming but it was to no avail. She loved reading stories and watching movies about princesses. Alexa was determined to one day be a princess. Then one day, she heard about a wonderful television show that she began to watch immediately.
As soon as Alexa began to watch it, she was obsessed. It was a dream come true! It was a great story that incorporated all the different fairytale stories into one central story. It showed how a girl that grew up living a hard life was starting to do something great with her life, trying to help all the people from Storybrooke remember who they truly are. Sure, Alexa knew that it was just a story, but she couldn't help but fall in love with the story.
If you have not already started to watch this wonderful show, you most definitely need to! It is excellent!
As soon as Alexa began to watch it, she was obsessed. It was a dream come true! It was a great story that incorporated all the different fairytale stories into one central story. It showed how a girl that grew up living a hard life was starting to do something great with her life, trying to help all the people from Storybrooke remember who they truly are. Sure, Alexa knew that it was just a story, but she couldn't help but fall in love with the story.
If you have not already started to watch this wonderful show, you most definitely need to! It is excellent!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
2011 Thanksgiving Weekend
I meant to get this post done sooner, but alas the only time I really sit down at a computer is when I am at work on Tuesdays and Thursday bored outta my mind. So here I am, at 7:30 in the a.m., trying to stay awake, writing a blog all about my wonderful weekend.
Thanksgiving Day: It was the first day I got to sleep in until about 10:30 for a LONG time. Was it wonderful? Heck freaking ya! I wish it would be a more common thing in my life. I got up. Helped with some cooking. Got ready. Cleaned a little. By 1:00 p.m., I was out the door with my family on our way to Sandy. We got down there and I played with my cute little cousins (and some of the big ones). Ate so much delicious food. Gouchi Gouch. Explored my Aunt Sue's house. Watched some football. Took a nap. Watched the last play of the Cowboy's game. Pie. Left to go to Michael's with my mom, the twin, and the Mad to start some Black Friday shopping. Got home. Went to bed.
Black Friday: Probably what makes Thanksgiving my favorite holiday. I didn't go to Wally World with my mom the night before because I wanted to wake up early the next morning. But they did get some good buys there in all that craziness. Woke up and was out the door by 6:00 a.m. We started out in Khols. Got some good things there. Saved $650 (well my mom did). Then to breakfast at I.H.O.P. The Elle's were being silly. They helped me shop quite a bit. Mad and I found some super cute things for her. My favorite buys were my new coat (that I hate taking off) and boots from Wet Seal. Got home. Slept like there was no tomorrow. Woke up. Showered. Put on some new clothes. Went to Carli's birthday party at the Pizza Factory and Boondocks. Loved the go-carts, even if we were all freezing. Got home. Straight to bed.
Saturday: Slept in again. Got some homework done. Got caught up on Modern Family. Practiced the piano. Did nothing. Went to Erin and Cade's wedding reception. Planned on staying for just a minute. Ended up being there until the very end helping out. I just have to say that I absolutely adore those two together and think they are the cutest couple. So happy for both of them. :) Got home. Went to bed.
Sunday: Got up. Got all ready. Was at church by 9:45 a.m. for ward council. Choir practice. It was our ward conference. I love my Stake Presidency. 3 amazing men called of God. There were just so many great things said in all of my meetings. Those men truly were inspired with what they had to share. I can't think of any other Sunday where I felt the Spirit so much. I am so thankful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Then there was Linger Longer. Tithing settlement. Nap. Games at the Harris residence. Got home. Went to bed.
My Thankful List:
*My family. I don't know where I would be without them. They are absolutely amazing.
*The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. What a wonderful privilege it is to be a member of the true gospel of Christ.
*My friends. Courtney, Kendra, Elysia, and Liz have all been a great help as of late. But the rest of you reading this have all helped me so much and I am thankful for your friendship.
*My job. Wasatch Peak Physical Therapy has been the greatest.
*My trials. They have been hard and a lot has happened within the past two months, but I know they have been given to me for a reason and I know I have learned a lot from them.
*Utah. I was not really excited when I first moved away from Virginia, but I have grown to love it here. It is so beautiful and I love living here now.
*My car. Marvin has his issues, but he gets me from one point to the next.
*School. I love learning and love being able to meet new people up on campus and form new friendships there.
There is so much I am thankful for that I could make this blog so incredibly long (not that it isn't already super long). I am thankful for Thanksgiving for giving me the opportunity to really look at every aspect of my life and see how thankful I am for all of it. Its nice to see what makes me me and see what ways I can continue and grow so I can be more like my Savior, Jesus Christ. I love you all!! Thank you for reading this. :)
Thanksgiving Day: It was the first day I got to sleep in until about 10:30 for a LONG time. Was it wonderful? Heck freaking ya! I wish it would be a more common thing in my life. I got up. Helped with some cooking. Got ready. Cleaned a little. By 1:00 p.m., I was out the door with my family on our way to Sandy. We got down there and I played with my cute little cousins (and some of the big ones). Ate so much delicious food. Gouchi Gouch. Explored my Aunt Sue's house. Watched some football. Took a nap. Watched the last play of the Cowboy's game. Pie. Left to go to Michael's with my mom, the twin, and the Mad to start some Black Friday shopping. Got home. Went to bed.
Black Friday: Probably what makes Thanksgiving my favorite holiday. I didn't go to Wally World with my mom the night before because I wanted to wake up early the next morning. But they did get some good buys there in all that craziness. Woke up and was out the door by 6:00 a.m. We started out in Khols. Got some good things there. Saved $650 (well my mom did). Then to breakfast at I.H.O.P. The Elle's were being silly. They helped me shop quite a bit. Mad and I found some super cute things for her. My favorite buys were my new coat (that I hate taking off) and boots from Wet Seal. Got home. Slept like there was no tomorrow. Woke up. Showered. Put on some new clothes. Went to Carli's birthday party at the Pizza Factory and Boondocks. Loved the go-carts, even if we were all freezing. Got home. Straight to bed.
Saturday: Slept in again. Got some homework done. Got caught up on Modern Family. Practiced the piano. Did nothing. Went to Erin and Cade's wedding reception. Planned on staying for just a minute. Ended up being there until the very end helping out. I just have to say that I absolutely adore those two together and think they are the cutest couple. So happy for both of them. :) Got home. Went to bed.
Sunday: Got up. Got all ready. Was at church by 9:45 a.m. for ward council. Choir practice. It was our ward conference. I love my Stake Presidency. 3 amazing men called of God. There were just so many great things said in all of my meetings. Those men truly were inspired with what they had to share. I can't think of any other Sunday where I felt the Spirit so much. I am so thankful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Then there was Linger Longer. Tithing settlement. Nap. Games at the Harris residence. Got home. Went to bed.
That was my weekend in a nutshell. It was an excellent one. For those of you who don't know, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love the food, being with family and friends, and shopping all day Friday. But most of all, I love the meaning behind this holiday. I know we should be thankful everyday, but I love having a specific day that we set aside as a nation to really give thanks for all of our blessings.
My Thankful List:
*My family. I don't know where I would be without them. They are absolutely amazing.
*The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. What a wonderful privilege it is to be a member of the true gospel of Christ.
*My friends. Courtney, Kendra, Elysia, and Liz have all been a great help as of late. But the rest of you reading this have all helped me so much and I am thankful for your friendship.
*My job. Wasatch Peak Physical Therapy has been the greatest.
*My trials. They have been hard and a lot has happened within the past two months, but I know they have been given to me for a reason and I know I have learned a lot from them.
*Utah. I was not really excited when I first moved away from Virginia, but I have grown to love it here. It is so beautiful and I love living here now.
*My car. Marvin has his issues, but he gets me from one point to the next.
*School. I love learning and love being able to meet new people up on campus and form new friendships there.
There is so much I am thankful for that I could make this blog so incredibly long (not that it isn't already super long). I am thankful for Thanksgiving for giving me the opportunity to really look at every aspect of my life and see how thankful I am for all of it. Its nice to see what makes me me and see what ways I can continue and grow so I can be more like my Savior, Jesus Christ. I love you all!! Thank you for reading this. :)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Time Out for Women
This weekend was an absolutely amazing one! It was filled with best friends, wonderful music, and awesome speakers. Time Out for Women is such an inspired program. It was exactly what I needed this weekend. Thanks to my dear friend, Kendra, who told me about it back in October when I was having a hard time. There were so many things I learned this weekend that I would like to share with you all. So bear with me as I go through all the speakers and talk about the high-lights of each.
"Choose to Become" was the theme of their tour this year. Most of the speakers spoke about how to take past experiences and learn from them and not let them get you down. They also spoke on the things that will make you happy in life, and as we all know, its by following Heavenly Father's plan for you.
Brad Wilcox
*Talked about the two different roles of Jesus Christ. He is our literal Savior. He came to this earth to die for us so we could return to our Heavenly Father one day. He is also our Redeemer. Through his redeeming power, we can repent of our sins and use the atonement in our lives to become more like Heavenly Father.
*We should live in a way that when we see the Savior, He will be able to see His countenance in us.
*Through Christ, anything can change, even if it seems impossible. We shouldn't say that we don't need to change and that we are fine the way we are, because, by doing so, we are denying Jesus' redeeming power. We should always be striving to live better lives and should never give up.
*Heavenly Father is the composer of our lives. Everything happens because it is what He has in store for us.
Sheri Dew
*You need to water and tend for your spiritual roots. If you do not they are easy to pull up and Satan will take advantage of that a wreck havoc in your life.
*We all have earthquakes in our lives with the aftershocks that follow. These are not ideal situations, but we should remember it is a part of the Lord's plan for us and that it is preparing us for something better.
*You have to make the climb in order to see the glorious view. You will not understand why its worth all the hard work and heartache as you climb higher towards heaven until you have reached the top and can look out and see what you have become.
*Do not try to make the journey alone. Your loved ones are there to support you.
*If you are living according to the gospel, you won't get lost on your way home. Tether yourself to Jesus Christ; He knows the way.
Stephanie Nielson
---Side note on this speaker. She was not originally supposed to be a speaker, but filled in last minute. She is the woman that burned 80% of her body from the video above---
*You have to choose to recover from your heartaches. With trust and faith in the Lord, you can choose to be happy in your trial.
*When you choose what you want to become, it does not mean it will happen right away. You must work for it. Be patient. Look at the small and simple things that make you smile.
*Choose to become happy. Its hard in the midst of your trial. Love yourself so you will be able to love others more.
*You will have scars reminding you of your trial. Don't hate them. Accept them and be grateful for them. They show what you have been through. They are all unique and will help you later in your life.
Emily Watts
*Habits of Happiness:
1. Have a thick skin. Don't let what people say affect you negatively.
2. Expect hard things of yourself. The hard things give you a feeling of progression.
3. Have your traditions that bring happiness to you and your family.
4. Learn to think of yourself as a person and not another thing you have to worry about
5. Catch your loved ones doing something good and acknowledge that thing.
Michael Wilcox
*There is nothing wrong with serving, but you should take time to take of the good part. Take time to yourself and learn and grow for yourself. Learning is an important part of becoming.
*Each day of your journey through sorrow in life leads you closer to the joy you will experience at the desired end.
*The theory of the stairs: There are stairs ascending in alternating colors. One color represents knowledge, and the other is righteousness. Each leads to the next. As you gain more knowledge, you want to be more righteous. As you become more righteous, you want to continue to learn and grow.
*The theory of the golden compass: With the fixed foot planted (in your religion or any aspect of your life), your searching foot can make a perfect circle. You should not be afraid to stretch out as far as you can, as long as your fixed foot is planted firmly.
*We get discouraged in our becoming when we realize we are still not at the end. Be happy with your journey and look for the good things in life. Be patient.
Wendy Ulrich
*Out of small and simple things, the Lord does His work. Continually look for the things that make you happy.
*Seven Steps to Always be Happy
1. Stop worrying about your weaknesses and focus on your strengths. Think of your strengths and think of ways to use them to help others or yourself.
2. Don't try to get motivated. Motivation follows action. Take action first and then you will see that you become more and more motivated to keep going.
3. Stop trying to find friends. Develop the attributes of a good friend instead. Those who have the most social interaction are the happiest. Having a friend at the places you frequent keep you coming back and enjoying your time there.
4. Don't try to feel happy. Think of what you are grateful first and through that process you will become happy.
5. Celebrate failure. Failure means we are taking risks to grow, stretch and serve. Learn from your mistakes and use the atonement to grow closer to your Heavenly Father.
6. Don't get help with your problems. Help someone else with their's. Continually search for ways to serve others.
7. Don't just endure to the end. "Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured" -Gordon B. Hinckley. Find delight and joy in the present moment.
Laurel Christensen
*"Our God is a God of high expectations." -D. Todd Christofferson.
* The "Faith" Experiment:
-Pray with Faith: Be willing to ask for things even if you feel like He never answers your prayers. He wants to give it to you if you will just ask in faith. The Lord makes your faith enough.
-Think with Faith: Don't be the one thing standing in your way. The Lord thinks so much more about what you can accomplish. Train the way you think to be the same way as the Lord.
-Live with Faith: Always remember the Lord is with you, through every single thing.
*You are always on "Plan A" even if in your mind you thought you were on a different one. "Plan A" is God's plan for you and He knows you are on the path you are supposed to be on. He knows what you are supposed to be going through because He knows you the best and knows what you need to prepare you for later on down that path.
*Having hope is what you want for yourself. Having faith is wanting what the Lord wants for you.
*Do not give up when the end is so close. "Cast not away, therefore, your confidence." He wants you to finish and will be with you to the end. Do not let Satan stop you. Be confident in yourself and finish strong.
It was a fabulous weekend. I was so spiritually uplifted. It has given me faith to continue on with life and be happy and know that I am still on "Plan A". I am following the Lord's plan for me. I am choosing to become closer to my Heavenly Father. I'm sorry this is forever long. I hope you have learned something from it. I know those who are reading this have played some role in my life. I want to thank you for being apart of my life. I know that I have learned something from you and it has helped me become who I am today and will continue to help me become what the Lord wants me to be.
"Choose to Become" was the theme of their tour this year. Most of the speakers spoke about how to take past experiences and learn from them and not let them get you down. They also spoke on the things that will make you happy in life, and as we all know, its by following Heavenly Father's plan for you.
Brad Wilcox
*Talked about the two different roles of Jesus Christ. He is our literal Savior. He came to this earth to die for us so we could return to our Heavenly Father one day. He is also our Redeemer. Through his redeeming power, we can repent of our sins and use the atonement in our lives to become more like Heavenly Father.
*We should live in a way that when we see the Savior, He will be able to see His countenance in us.
*Through Christ, anything can change, even if it seems impossible. We shouldn't say that we don't need to change and that we are fine the way we are, because, by doing so, we are denying Jesus' redeeming power. We should always be striving to live better lives and should never give up.
*Heavenly Father is the composer of our lives. Everything happens because it is what He has in store for us.
Sheri Dew
*You need to water and tend for your spiritual roots. If you do not they are easy to pull up and Satan will take advantage of that a wreck havoc in your life.
*We all have earthquakes in our lives with the aftershocks that follow. These are not ideal situations, but we should remember it is a part of the Lord's plan for us and that it is preparing us for something better.
*You have to make the climb in order to see the glorious view. You will not understand why its worth all the hard work and heartache as you climb higher towards heaven until you have reached the top and can look out and see what you have become.
*Do not try to make the journey alone. Your loved ones are there to support you.
*If you are living according to the gospel, you won't get lost on your way home. Tether yourself to Jesus Christ; He knows the way.
Stephanie Nielson
---Side note on this speaker. She was not originally supposed to be a speaker, but filled in last minute. She is the woman that burned 80% of her body from the video above---
*You have to choose to recover from your heartaches. With trust and faith in the Lord, you can choose to be happy in your trial.
*When you choose what you want to become, it does not mean it will happen right away. You must work for it. Be patient. Look at the small and simple things that make you smile.
*Choose to become happy. Its hard in the midst of your trial. Love yourself so you will be able to love others more.
*You will have scars reminding you of your trial. Don't hate them. Accept them and be grateful for them. They show what you have been through. They are all unique and will help you later in your life.
Emily Watts
*Habits of Happiness:
1. Have a thick skin. Don't let what people say affect you negatively.
2. Expect hard things of yourself. The hard things give you a feeling of progression.
3. Have your traditions that bring happiness to you and your family.
4. Learn to think of yourself as a person and not another thing you have to worry about
5. Catch your loved ones doing something good and acknowledge that thing.
Michael Wilcox
*There is nothing wrong with serving, but you should take time to take of the good part. Take time to yourself and learn and grow for yourself. Learning is an important part of becoming.
*Each day of your journey through sorrow in life leads you closer to the joy you will experience at the desired end.
*The theory of the stairs: There are stairs ascending in alternating colors. One color represents knowledge, and the other is righteousness. Each leads to the next. As you gain more knowledge, you want to be more righteous. As you become more righteous, you want to continue to learn and grow.
*The theory of the golden compass: With the fixed foot planted (in your religion or any aspect of your life), your searching foot can make a perfect circle. You should not be afraid to stretch out as far as you can, as long as your fixed foot is planted firmly.
*We get discouraged in our becoming when we realize we are still not at the end. Be happy with your journey and look for the good things in life. Be patient.
Wendy Ulrich
*Out of small and simple things, the Lord does His work. Continually look for the things that make you happy.
*Seven Steps to Always be Happy
1. Stop worrying about your weaknesses and focus on your strengths. Think of your strengths and think of ways to use them to help others or yourself.
2. Don't try to get motivated. Motivation follows action. Take action first and then you will see that you become more and more motivated to keep going.
3. Stop trying to find friends. Develop the attributes of a good friend instead. Those who have the most social interaction are the happiest. Having a friend at the places you frequent keep you coming back and enjoying your time there.
4. Don't try to feel happy. Think of what you are grateful first and through that process you will become happy.
5. Celebrate failure. Failure means we are taking risks to grow, stretch and serve. Learn from your mistakes and use the atonement to grow closer to your Heavenly Father.
6. Don't get help with your problems. Help someone else with their's. Continually search for ways to serve others.
7. Don't just endure to the end. "Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured" -Gordon B. Hinckley. Find delight and joy in the present moment.
Laurel Christensen
*"Our God is a God of high expectations." -D. Todd Christofferson.
* The "Faith" Experiment:
-Pray with Faith: Be willing to ask for things even if you feel like He never answers your prayers. He wants to give it to you if you will just ask in faith. The Lord makes your faith enough.
-Think with Faith: Don't be the one thing standing in your way. The Lord thinks so much more about what you can accomplish. Train the way you think to be the same way as the Lord.
-Live with Faith: Always remember the Lord is with you, through every single thing.
*You are always on "Plan A" even if in your mind you thought you were on a different one. "Plan A" is God's plan for you and He knows you are on the path you are supposed to be on. He knows what you are supposed to be going through because He knows you the best and knows what you need to prepare you for later on down that path.
*Having hope is what you want for yourself. Having faith is wanting what the Lord wants for you.
*Do not give up when the end is so close. "Cast not away, therefore, your confidence." He wants you to finish and will be with you to the end. Do not let Satan stop you. Be confident in yourself and finish strong.
It was a fabulous weekend. I was so spiritually uplifted. It has given me faith to continue on with life and be happy and know that I am still on "Plan A". I am following the Lord's plan for me. I am choosing to become closer to my Heavenly Father. I'm sorry this is forever long. I hope you have learned something from it. I know those who are reading this have played some role in my life. I want to thank you for being apart of my life. I know that I have learned something from you and it has helped me become who I am today and will continue to help me become what the Lord wants me to be.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Me? Sports? Psht!!
For those of you who really know me, you know I have not, am not, and probably never will be a sporty girl. Sure I like sitting down watching football with my day, or basketball, when the NBA is being stupid, or going to intense hockey games. I love watching sports! But I've never been the type of girl to just be on a team and play whatever sport. I have never had a great desire to play sports.
Well, my dear cousin, Ashton, decided he wanted to start up an indoor soccer team (since he's not on two other teams already). He was texting me asking me how I was doing and we got talking about doing the soccer team. At first, I was like "Heck no am I doing that! It has been FOREVER since I've played soccer." But as I was thinking about it and thinking about my life, I realized it was exactly what I needed. I thought of how my life was a complete mess at the time and how everything seemed to keep getting worse or everything was going wrong. I thought that maybe this one thing, besides the gospel, would help keep me grounded and give me something to occupy some of my time and just give me purpose again. Its funny how being on a team can do that for you.
Tuesday was the start of the season. I was so excited all day for the first game, even if it meant that I would be up way past my normal bedtime. I got done with work and was thinking of what else I needed to get done before I headed to my game. That's when I started freaking out. It clicked in my mind that I have not played soccer since I was about 8. What the heck was I thinking?! Here I was getting ready to go play soccer for the first time in 12 years against people who have been playing basically their whole lives. I just kept telling myself I was insane. But at 10:45 pm I was at my game, ready to humiliate myself in front of people.
Its true, I'm not that excellent at soccer. I'm out of shape and was out of breath. But I will say I held my own. Out of the 45 minute game, I was out on the field for about 35 minutes. Granted, we were short on girls for our team and I had to be out there. But I did everything I could to help the team. Some of my teammates kept telling me where to go, or who to cover, and just kept helping me out. These are people I had met just 10 minutes before the game. It was so great to know that they were willing to help me out and teach me a few things instead of just ignoring me on the field.
I'm bruised and sore from the game. But I can honestly say that I had so much fun! It was about an hour of my time where the only thing I had to think about was soccer. Nothing about the drama of my life came to my mind. I didn't think of all my tests and papers I have coming up. No thoughts of work. It was just getting to the ball, running down the field, covering the super tall guy, who kicked me and gave me a nice bruise on my leg. Even if I didn't get a lot of sleep and woke up sore, it was so worth it. So for right now, I'm going to be a sporty girl. It probably won't last that long. But its exactly what I need in my life. :)
Well, my dear cousin, Ashton, decided he wanted to start up an indoor soccer team (since he's not on two other teams already). He was texting me asking me how I was doing and we got talking about doing the soccer team. At first, I was like "Heck no am I doing that! It has been FOREVER since I've played soccer." But as I was thinking about it and thinking about my life, I realized it was exactly what I needed. I thought of how my life was a complete mess at the time and how everything seemed to keep getting worse or everything was going wrong. I thought that maybe this one thing, besides the gospel, would help keep me grounded and give me something to occupy some of my time and just give me purpose again. Its funny how being on a team can do that for you.
Tuesday was the start of the season. I was so excited all day for the first game, even if it meant that I would be up way past my normal bedtime. I got done with work and was thinking of what else I needed to get done before I headed to my game. That's when I started freaking out. It clicked in my mind that I have not played soccer since I was about 8. What the heck was I thinking?! Here I was getting ready to go play soccer for the first time in 12 years against people who have been playing basically their whole lives. I just kept telling myself I was insane. But at 10:45 pm I was at my game, ready to humiliate myself in front of people.
Its true, I'm not that excellent at soccer. I'm out of shape and was out of breath. But I will say I held my own. Out of the 45 minute game, I was out on the field for about 35 minutes. Granted, we were short on girls for our team and I had to be out there. But I did everything I could to help the team. Some of my teammates kept telling me where to go, or who to cover, and just kept helping me out. These are people I had met just 10 minutes before the game. It was so great to know that they were willing to help me out and teach me a few things instead of just ignoring me on the field.
I'm bruised and sore from the game. But I can honestly say that I had so much fun! It was about an hour of my time where the only thing I had to think about was soccer. Nothing about the drama of my life came to my mind. I didn't think of all my tests and papers I have coming up. No thoughts of work. It was just getting to the ball, running down the field, covering the super tall guy, who kicked me and gave me a nice bruise on my leg. Even if I didn't get a lot of sleep and woke up sore, it was so worth it. So for right now, I'm going to be a sporty girl. It probably won't last that long. But its exactly what I need in my life. :)
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Stay or Go?
So many thoughts have been running through my mind.
Trying to figure out what I should do with my life now.
I have it narrowed down to two choices.
Option 1: Stay
I would stay here in South Weber.
Keep my wonderful job.
Start my major that I have finally decided on.
Possibly move out after I save some money up.
Be close to family.
And just keep things basically the same.
Option 2: Go
I would move back down to Cedar City.
Find a new job (probably at Wendy's since Ken can get me the job)
Settle for a major that isn't exactly what I want.
Be close to some of my best friends.
Make lots of new friends.
Have many exciting new experiences.
Now its just figuring out what will be the best for me.
Both seem great to me and I know I would be happy either way.
Which will it be?
Trying to figure out what I should do with my life now.
I have it narrowed down to two choices.
Option 1: Stay
I would stay here in South Weber.
Keep my wonderful job.
Start my major that I have finally decided on.
Possibly move out after I save some money up.
Be close to family.
And just keep things basically the same.
Option 2: Go
I would move back down to Cedar City.
Find a new job (probably at Wendy's since Ken can get me the job)
Settle for a major that isn't exactly what I want.
Be close to some of my best friends.
Make lots of new friends.
Have many exciting new experiences.
Now its just figuring out what will be the best for me.
Both seem great to me and I know I would be happy either way.
Which will it be?
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Feelings on Life
I feel this is describes how I have felt the past 2 weeks.
Not sure what to do with life anymore.
Some days I just want to give up.
I turn to my Heavenly Father for guidance,
But am unsure of what it is I am receiving from Him.
I know that I will make it through this trial,
But its hard to look to the future when all I can focus on is the present.
All I know is that I am feeling:
LOST, confused, Unsure, UNCLEAR, perplexed, Disoriented, and bewildered.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The Ups and Downs
This past week, my emotions have been up and down.
You go from being on top of the world,
To wondering what the (insert choice word) is going on.
Figuring out what is best for you,
And at the same time making sure you aren't hurting others.
Its hard to do both when what is best for you at that time is not in line with the other person's wants.
I feel this week I've hurt people I care about,
But we are working through it together.
The one thing that has helped me through it all is knowing I have a Heavenly Father who loves me!
He has put this trial in my life for a reason.
I obviously have something to learn from it.
What is so great about it is that I know I am not alone in the journey.
My Heavenly Father is always there for me.
If I have learned anything these past few days, it is that He is constantly there for me.
This is my favorite hymn and it brings such comfort to my life.
As I am going through this difficult time,
I know that the Lord is on my side and always will be.
I may not know what exactly will come from all of this,
But I have faith He knows what is best for me.
As we all go through the "Ups and Downs" of life
I hope we can all know that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us
And wants us to succeed in life.
My life would be nothing without His loving guidance.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Labor Day Weekend
This past weekend was one of the greatest weekends ever! I was able to go down to Provo for the long weekend and not have to worry about school or work while I was down there. Here is a brief recap of what happened:


- Sushi
- Rooftop Concert
- Winnie the Pooh (at midnight)
- Hobby Lobby
- Crafts
- Shopping
- Spark
- Elder's Quorum Lesson
- Church
- Bracelet Making
- Cabin
- 4-Wheelers
- Swings

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
So today at work, I had one of the CRAZIEST guys come in! This kid was legit insane!
I was just working away when this kid walks up to my desk. I greet him like everyone else and asked him if he was there for an appointment or if there was something else I could help him out with. He proceeds to tell me that he was there to help promote his business and he began telling me about this AMAZING deal they had going on. He works at 5th South Salon & Day Spa and they were having a 90% discount. That's right 9-0! He told me all about the deal and how if you just paid $48 you would get all these great things. I told him I was not interested and that of course shocked him. He proceeded to tell me that I would get a nice new haircut. I told him I had friends that I went to for my hair and then he had the nerve to tell me that the people at his salon were "professionals" and could really make my hair look so much better. Really dude? You are going to start ragging on some girls hair thinking she will want to go to your salon after you insulted her?! I mean COME ON!!
Well I told him I was not interested and he finally accepted that. But then asked if he could talk to some of the other employees. I told him all the therapists were back with patients and wouldn't be able to come up. That must have made him even more determined to talk to one of them because he would not stop asking. I told him that they wouldn't be able to and that he would be better off trying somewhere else. Then I turned and went back to my work and he left.
But I was mistaken... He didn't leave... He went to the back where all of our patients were breaking so many HIPPA rules because he saw my boss and one of the other owners walk back there. So he goes and starts talking to them about the amazing deal. Jason was mad. He kept telling the kid to come up to the front to talk with him, but crazy was like "Who are you? The owner?" making Jason even more mad at the idiot. Finally the kid goes up front with Jason and I walk back and see him there and was so confused. Jason was explaining to the kid that it was inappropriate what he did and that he just violated all those patients privacy and told him that he needed to leave. So the kid walks off and then Jason called out and asked him for his name. Without turning around he said his name was Bob.
So right after Bob had departed, Jason comes up and starts asking me what in the world happened and I started to explain when Bob pops back and starts telling Jason not to get mad at me because it wasn't my fault. Jason had reached his limit by this point and told Bob that there were certain procedures that needed to be followed and that he was inappropriate in his behavior, but obviously Bob didn't get it and just kept telling Jason it wasn't my fault. Finally he left for reals. And I explained everything to Jason and it is now just a funny joke to us.
So there are a few things I'd like to say to all you "Bobs" out there:
I was just working away when this kid walks up to my desk. I greet him like everyone else and asked him if he was there for an appointment or if there was something else I could help him out with. He proceeds to tell me that he was there to help promote his business and he began telling me about this AMAZING deal they had going on. He works at 5th South Salon & Day Spa and they were having a 90% discount. That's right 9-0! He told me all about the deal and how if you just paid $48 you would get all these great things. I told him I was not interested and that of course shocked him. He proceeded to tell me that I would get a nice new haircut. I told him I had friends that I went to for my hair and then he had the nerve to tell me that the people at his salon were "professionals" and could really make my hair look so much better. Really dude? You are going to start ragging on some girls hair thinking she will want to go to your salon after you insulted her?! I mean COME ON!!
Well I told him I was not interested and he finally accepted that. But then asked if he could talk to some of the other employees. I told him all the therapists were back with patients and wouldn't be able to come up. That must have made him even more determined to talk to one of them because he would not stop asking. I told him that they wouldn't be able to and that he would be better off trying somewhere else. Then I turned and went back to my work and he left.
But I was mistaken... He didn't leave... He went to the back where all of our patients were breaking so many HIPPA rules because he saw my boss and one of the other owners walk back there. So he goes and starts talking to them about the amazing deal. Jason was mad. He kept telling the kid to come up to the front to talk with him, but crazy was like "Who are you? The owner?" making Jason even more mad at the idiot. Finally the kid goes up front with Jason and I walk back and see him there and was so confused. Jason was explaining to the kid that it was inappropriate what he did and that he just violated all those patients privacy and told him that he needed to leave. So the kid walks off and then Jason called out and asked him for his name. Without turning around he said his name was Bob.
So right after Bob had departed, Jason comes up and starts asking me what in the world happened and I started to explain when Bob pops back and starts telling Jason not to get mad at me because it wasn't my fault. Jason had reached his limit by this point and told Bob that there were certain procedures that needed to be followed and that he was inappropriate in his behavior, but obviously Bob didn't get it and just kept telling Jason it wasn't my fault. Finally he left for reals. And I explained everything to Jason and it is now just a funny joke to us.
So there are a few things I'd like to say to all you "Bobs" out there:
- Learn what is appropriate and inappropriate in a medical setting. Patients don't want random people to walk into the medical office and see them. It can be a very sensitive thing they are dealing with.
- When someone tells you no, they mean it the first time. So listen the first time and don't make them keep repeating it to you.
- Don't piss off Jason.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Hermana Kaitlyn Smith
Yesterday, I had the chance to go with some of my family to Provo to drop my older sister, Kaitlyn, off at the MTC. She will be serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Argentina Buenos Aires North mission. It was sad to see her go, but then you could see the excitement in her eyes and could tell that this is what she needed to do with her life.
Kaitlyn has been a great older sister! Such a wonderful example to me in so many ways. She has been a constant in my life. I've always been able to confide in her. Kait helped me through one of the hardest times in my life. She would just tell me how it was and not hold anything back. She has always had such a strong testimony and love for the church and our family. I've always looked up to her!
I was looking at our "friendship" on Facebook yesterday before leaving for Provo. It was fun to see some of the things we would write on each others walls. It definitely brought back some great memories. Namely planning to go to the Dashboard Confessional and Snowpatrol concerts (neither of which we went to), getting all hyped up for the Keane concert (which was epic), planning phone dates to watch the TV show 'Flashforward' together, and just other random facts we'd share with each other.
Its hard to see my sister leave, but I know she is doing something so great with her life. I will miss her everyday she is gone and cannot wait until I get to give her a hug in 18 months. I love my big sister!!
Kaitlyn has been a great older sister! Such a wonderful example to me in so many ways. She has been a constant in my life. I've always been able to confide in her. Kait helped me through one of the hardest times in my life. She would just tell me how it was and not hold anything back. She has always had such a strong testimony and love for the church and our family. I've always looked up to her!
I was looking at our "friendship" on Facebook yesterday before leaving for Provo. It was fun to see some of the things we would write on each others walls. It definitely brought back some great memories. Namely planning to go to the Dashboard Confessional and Snowpatrol concerts (neither of which we went to), getting all hyped up for the Keane concert (which was epic), planning phone dates to watch the TV show 'Flashforward' together, and just other random facts we'd share with each other.
Its hard to see my sister leave, but I know she is doing something so great with her life. I will miss her everyday she is gone and cannot wait until I get to give her a hug in 18 months. I love my big sister!!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Oh the Memories...
You know when you'll be talking with someone or looking at something...
And then all the sudden a random memory pops into your mind...
And you start laughing at the dumb memory...
And then people stare at you all funny like...
And then you try and explain the memory to them...
And then you are the only one laughing SUPER hard at it...
And then you say "I guess you had to be there"...
And then you feel awkward....
Those moments are the greatest!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Hopeless or Hopeful?
I have always considered myself a 'Hopeless Romantic' type of girl. I thrive on romance! I love hearing everyone's love stories. Romance novels are by far the best ones to read, and if a book doesn't have some type of romance in it, I find it boring. Romantic comedies are my favorite movies to watch (what can I say I'm girl... I like chick flicks). I keep all the wedding invitations I have ever been sent. And although I am not a fan of wedding receptions, (and will not have one for my own wedding day) I love going just to see the happy couple and how in love they are. Hence all of these things I love, I have considered myself a 'hopeless romantic'. It wasn't until last Friday I've changed my mind.
I had a discussion about being a 'hopeless romantic' with Justin and was explaining why I thought I was a 'hopeless romantic'. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm just a silly girl who is in love with love, which is definitely true, but I'm ok with that. As we were talking about it, Justin made a very good point. He told me that to him a 'hopeless romantic' was someone who loves love because they are don't have hope that they will have their own love story. I am definitely NOT that way. So we decided a better term would be a 'HOPEFUL romantic'.
I am very hopeful that I will find that someone that completes me and makes me smile all the time! I love the thought of loving someone so much that I would do anything for them and knowing they love me just as much! I love thinking of what our life will be like in the future. Being the 'HOPEFUL romantic' that I am, I can just imagine us getting old together and our little kids running around and our house and all the fun things we do together. I am hopeful that one day that right guy will come along and just sweep me off my feet and we'll have the rest of eternity to spend together and I will be the happiest girl in the entire world!
We should all be 'HOPEFUL romantics' instead of 'HOPELESS' ones!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
The Joys of Roller Blading
Last night, I was able to experience the awesomeness of roller blading again. I was nervous at first. I knew I was going to fall and make a complete fool of myself, but luckily I didn't. It was actually so fun! I had forgotten how much I truly enjoyed it. My roller blades were kinda lame and wouldn't keep rolling... They would just stop if I stopped moving. It was kinda funny considering Justin's wouldn't stop. I felt bad because he would be so far ahead of me and have to turn around and wait for me. But it was quite funny. If I had money and really strong passion to be awesome at roller blading I would definitely buy these:
They look so legit! And apparently they are supposed to make you feel like you are ice skating more than anything. Super smooth. Maybe one day I will have the desire to be awesome and buy these skates.
They look so legit! And apparently they are supposed to make you feel like you are ice skating more than anything. Super smooth. Maybe one day I will have the desire to be awesome and buy these skates.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Comment Girl
We all know those people who just always have to raise their hand in class and make a comment every five seconds. They are the ones that say things that don't even really relate to anything else that is being said. They annoy some of us, while others get a good laugh about the whole situation. Usually I am annoyed by all the comments Comment Girl (or boy) has, but last night was a different story.
I was down in Provo yesterday at Seven Peaks with some friends. After we were done there and all changed, I went over to Justin's place to eat some ice cream and hang out with him for a bit before I had to head back home. His roommate, Glenn, started talking with us which was way fun. He started telling us about Comment Girl that is in their stake institute class. He convinced us to go to institute that night and we agreed, partly to see how bad this Comment Girl was, on my part at least.
So we headed off to institute. As the lesson started I was just waiting for someone to raise their hand and say something. That was when I heard the teacher call on someone down in front. I couldn't really hear what she was saying but I looked over at Justin and Glenn, and they were both like "That's her! Its Comment Girl" haha. So Justin and I kept watching her throughout the whole class. It was funny to look down and see her there with her hand raised and then see how the teacher was purposefully avoiding looking at her so he didn't feel obligated to call on her. This happened throughout the whole class. Occasionally he would call on her and Justin and I would just chuckle.
To all you Comment Girls and Boys: If you keep raising your hand but aren't called on, take it as a sign that the teacher thinks that whatever you have to say is irrelevant. Haha
To the Comment Girl from last night: Thank you for entertaining me. :)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
You know you work too much when...
You know a line has been crossed when you are suddenly dreaming about being at work. And I'm not talking about the desire dreaming, I'm talking about how I was in bed and I literally had a dream of being at work. I did all my little jobs I had to do and went through a whole day of work in my dream. Its kinda pathetic. Don't get me wrong. I love my job! I think its the greatest! But I don't want to be dreaming about it after I lived it for 10 hours of my day. I think that is plenty. Once I get home I don't want to think about work until I wake up the next morning to get ready to go again.
So the whole point of this post is that I need a vacation!!!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
One Year
Its been one year...
All I can think about today is what happened this day last year.
It was the day I could not stop crying.
It was the day I wish never happened.
It was the day the Search & Rescue finally found Landon's body.
It was the day I knew he was really gone.
My cousin... gone. Just like that. I didn't have a chance to say goodbye and tell him just how much I really loved him and how I wanted to get to know him better. That chance is gone. I know that once he had made up his mind of what he was going to do there was no changing that. But there is still the doubt in my mind that I could have done something to make him want to live and stay with us longer.
I know Landon is in a better place. It doesn't make it easier on the fact that he's gone. How many times I've cried myself to sleep because all I could think about was him, how many times I've prayed to Heavenly Father to help me get through this hard time. And yet I know that Landon has been aware of all of our feelings and has been with us. That fact that he knew I was struggling so much and that I had kept wishing I could have something as a reminder of him and how Aunt Debi showed up one day just to give me the note... I know that Landon has been watching over me and knew what I needed to help ease the pain a little.
Landon, I miss you everyday!! I see the note on my nightstand and just always am reminded of you. I am so happy to know that one day I will be able to see you again and get to know you better. Its been a difficult year, but it just means I am one year closer to seeing you again. I love you Landy!
You will be in my thoughts forever!
Friday, July 8, 2011
I Discovered Discovery!
They have a strange sound but i love it!! I hope you enjoyed it!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Dear Patients...
There are a few favors I have to ask of you.
Your Receptionist
- Try to keep your personal hygiene to yourself. Such as your smell. I don't want to smell smoke or your B.O. Use deodorant. Its just a common courtesy wherever you go.
- You don't have to tell me your whole life story. I know you need someone to talk to about these things, but lets be honest... I'm not that person. I have my job I need to be doing but its difficult when you take up 10 minutes of my time to tell me things that I don't need to know.
- Keep your sex life to yourself. I don't want to hear how long it has been, or how great it was, or any of that. Its called TOO MUCH INFORMATION.
- Remember when your appointment is. I hand you a card with the dates and times on it. You can right down in a planner, put it on your phone, I don't really care. But please just come when you told us you would.
Your Receptionist
Short Guy. Tall Girl.
Everyone has thought about it before... Short guy dating tall girl. Its an odd mix. For some reason it just does not seem right. Is it because the guy is supposed to be all manly and bigger than the girl so he can protect her? I think that is what society has led us to believe. I won't lie. I'm one of those believers. It just does not seem to mix in my mind. But I guess to each their own. Such as this couple:
What spurred this whole post? Well let me tell you. A dear friend of mine sent me a text last night asking me to go on a blind date with this kid. I was like sure why not. I'm always up for a date. So that was that. No questions asked. But that's when my friend decided to tell me that he wasn't a tall guy which got some questions out of me. I come to find out that I am taller than him (I can't help it that I'm 5'8 and am taller than a lot of guys lately). At first we thought it was just by an inch or two. That's not a big deal to me. Then we find out exactly how tall he is... 5'3. That's right... He's a full 5 inches shorter than me. I just laughed about it. Honestly I don't care how tall he is or that I'm going on a date with him tonight, it will still be fun. But I was worried that he wouldn't want to take a girl out that was that much taller. You know... in case he had short man syndrome. I didn't want to hurt his ego. But apparently he's fine with it.
So I'll be going on a date with a shorty. It should be fun. Will definitely make my "Weird Things That Have Happened on Dates" list. But that's what will make it enjoyable right? So we'll see how it goes. If anything I will make a new friend tonight which to me is always the greatest!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy Fourth of July!
"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; One Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all!"
How great it is that we are able to celebrate our nations freedom every year on the July 4th. I thank all the men and women who helped make this country free, and to all of those who have helped keep it free, and to those who are still fighting to keep America a free country.
Here is a funny remix of OneRepublic's song "Apologize". I find it suiting for today. Please enjoy!
The Fourth of July has always been one of my favorite holidays. Barbeques, friends, swimming, and fireworks. Each year its a little different throughout the day, but the night always ends the same... with a BANG! Let freedom ring!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Hard at Work or Hardly Working
First off... I love my job! I have been working at Wasatch Peak Phyiscal Therapy for about 9 months now. Thanks to my friend, Heather Waters, I was able to find this job and get hired. It has been such a blessing for me. I am the type of person who loves to be constantly busy, going from one thing to the next.
But as of late, work has been different. When I first started, I felt like I was constantly doing things. But now I find myself sitting around (especially in our Farmington office which is new) and it drives me CRAZY!!! Every once in a while I don't mind just sitting down with nothing to do for like 5 minutes. But after that 5 minutes is up I'm ready to start doing something!
Today is one of those days that I am hardly working. What have I done with myself for the past 5 hours? Oh you know... I sat at my desk, cleaned the windows, sat some more, answered the phone, sat some more, checked some patients in, decided to print off a Sudoku puzzle (which is a new obsession), more sitting, more puzzling, and now here I sit writing this blog. I feel bad about it... I hate feeling like I am just wasting my bosses time and money. But then they tell me they need someone here to help our therapist out when he needs it. So what else am I supposed to do?! I try and find things to occupy my time, but I always seem to finish whatever the task is super fast. What can I say? I am just that awesome.
I am the type of person who likes to be hard at work when that is what I am supposed to be doing. I am not a fan of this hardly working thing.
But as of late, work has been different. When I first started, I felt like I was constantly doing things. But now I find myself sitting around (especially in our Farmington office which is new) and it drives me CRAZY!!! Every once in a while I don't mind just sitting down with nothing to do for like 5 minutes. But after that 5 minutes is up I'm ready to start doing something!
Today is one of those days that I am hardly working. What have I done with myself for the past 5 hours? Oh you know... I sat at my desk, cleaned the windows, sat some more, answered the phone, sat some more, checked some patients in, decided to print off a Sudoku puzzle (which is a new obsession), more sitting, more puzzling, and now here I sit writing this blog. I feel bad about it... I hate feeling like I am just wasting my bosses time and money. But then they tell me they need someone here to help our therapist out when he needs it. So what else am I supposed to do?! I try and find things to occupy my time, but I always seem to finish whatever the task is super fast. What can I say? I am just that awesome.
I am the type of person who likes to be hard at work when that is what I am supposed to be doing. I am not a fan of this hardly working thing.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Pet Peeves
Those thigs that just irk your nerves like none other. They are different for everyone, but equally annoying. If only we would always have a warning sign (like the above picture) to let us know what stupid little things will bother us.
Here are a few of my pet peeves:
- The Black/ Brown Color Combo. It PISSES me off! Why do people think its ok to wear a black shirt with brown shoes or pants? Its not appropriate. The only time black and brown are acceptable together is when the shirt was already made that way. Other than that... DON'T MIX THE DANG COLORS!!!!
- The Radiostation Commercial Breaks. I swear... All the radiostations have some type of alliance or something to go on commercial break at the same time. Do they really want to frustrate me?! They would be smart if they worked it out where one is on break while the other is still playing music. That way they will get more people to listen to there station. Like duh!
- Cops Parked on the Side of the On-Ramp. Really? Why would you park there. The driver is supposed to be gaining speed to get onto highway. Are you going to be pulling them over then? No. Its pointless. Park somewhere on a busy street or on the freeway where you know people are going to be zooming past you because they can. That's the way to do it. STOP PARKING ON THE ON-RAMPS!
- People at Fast Food Joints. Ok... I'm not talking about the employees here. I'm talking about the idiot people who stand in line for HOURS trying to figure out what they want. They are the ones who are up at the counter with the person ready to take their order and they just can't effing decide what they want. When you get up to the counter KNOW WHAT YOU WANT TO ORDER!!!! Don't take forever and a day and make people wait forever to order.
Happy Almost Weekend!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Summer Begins
I woke up this morning and was getting ready for the day when I heard my little brother say "Mom! Its summer!" He proceeded to tell everyone that he saw that it was summer. I was chatting with my mother about it and we both came to the conclusion that he saw it on the T.V. and got super excited. I loved it! Summer is a great time and we should all be super duper excited just like my 5 year old brother.
I am so excited for summer!! Summer nights are the best in my opinion. Last night I was able to experience one of those fun, crazy nights. It was after FHE, and I was with Easton, Carli, Anna, and Jordan. We were trying to figure out what we wanted to do while it was still light out. We decided to go for a drive up Farmington Canyon. Once we got there we saw that the road was closed off but that there was another road we could take. So what did we do? We followed the other road having no clue where it would take us. It ended up taking us all along the side of the mountain. It was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
As we were driving, we looked out and saw three cop cars start zooming down the freeway. We were all hoping for some high speed chase. But we forgot about that for a moment as we got stuck on the side of the mountain trying to figure out how the heck we were going to turn around. We found a place to back up but we weren't sure we would be able to make the sharp turn back down the way we came. Easton got help from some drunk guys and we made the turn just fine and made our way back home. But as soon as we got to the main road we decided to drive by all the cop cars. There were 8 or 9 cop cars with their lights flashing, a big SUV that was being searched, and a bunch of mexicans piled in the car. (No I'm not racist). It was quite a funny sight. We don't exactly know what went down, but we assumed it was either a drug bust or illegal immigrants bust or a combination of both.
See how great summer has already been to me?! I can't wait to see what other adventures will come!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Father's Day
Happy Fathers' Day to all the wonderful dad's out there!!
I am obviously a little biased to who the best dad is... That would be Kirk Smith.
He is so wonderful and I feel so blessed to have him as my dad.
I have always felt like a daddy's little girl.
Words really can't describe how much I love my dad.
I have many great memories with him.
He's been there for me through the rough times.
He is always willing to help me when I am lost and confused.
Like when I was an idiot and let my car run out of gas.
He came to my rescue.
One of my all time favorite memories of my dad is from when I was only 9.
I had to stay awake for 24 hours because I was getting some tests done at the hospital.
He was put in charge of keeping me awake throughout the long night.
We went to the church and played different games there.
Then we went to Wal-Mart and made it a goal to walk down every aisle.
After our Wally World adventure we went to breakfast.
I love this memory of my dad because it truly shows me how much he cares for me.
He was willing to stay up all night to help me out.
He may not vocally tell me how much he loves me
But you can tell that he does through all of his actions.
I am so glad he and my mom met and got married.
I would not be here if not for them.
They are the most wonderful parents any girl could ask for.
Happy Fathers' Day Dad!!
I love you!!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart. ~Phyllis Theroux
Oh my how I love writing and receiving letters! I love holding onto them and reading them over again. They bring back memories that I would have forgotten had it not been written down. They make me feel special and I just know the person who wrote it cares about me.
Do something good today. Write a dear friend a letter!! :)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Thinking Spots
You know that place you like to go just to escape the world? And think about life?
We all have one. You're very own, personal thinking spot.
I'm sure some people have the same spot. Making it not so personal
But nonetheless, you have that spot you go when you need to get away.
I have gone through some different spots but none have ever seemed to be right.
With the exception of the church parking lot close to my work.
But that is more of a place to go take naps on my lunch break.
But that is besides the point.
Today, I was introduced to my new thinking spot.
And I must say, it is pretty great.
I didn't get a picture myself so this picture I found will have to do.
So there you have it.
My spot is not quite as green and you can see the freeway from it.
But it is still just as beautiful.
Big rocks you can just sit on and look at the river.
Right now the river is super high so its a little dangerous.
But once it calms down a little and warms up more I will be there as often as I can.
Monday, June 6, 2011
There are many different definitions of the word "DYNAMICS"
1. Variation in force or intensity, especially in musical sound.
This definition of the word is mostly used in the musical word. The dynamics are added to a song to give it the feeling the composer wants to achieve from the music. It can be soft or LOUD or somewhere in between.
2. The branch of mechanics that is concerned with the effects of forces on the motion of a body or system of bodies, especially of forces that do not originate with the system itself. Also called kinetics.
This one is hard to understand unless you are a super genius and understand physics. Which I am not. So I am going to skip over this one and move onto the next. :)
3. The social, intellectual, or moral forces that produce activity and change in a given sphere.
I think that this definition of the word "Dynamics" is the one that I have been thinking about the most as of late. I have thought about it in the context of both my family and friends. Its crazy how the dynamics of either of the groups can change so quickly.
Lately I've noticed a change in my group of friends and I don't know if its a good change. It happened at a drop of a dime. I've tried to adjust to it but there is something that I personally can't change in myself in order to fit into the group. So now at times I feel friendless and just sit at home reading my books.
So here's to dynamics! They can be great and add life to so many things. But if one of the dynamics that make up the group goes against something you feel or believe in, then you either have to adjust to it or move on. But making that choice is a hard one. Good luck figuring out all the dynamics in your life!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Under Construction
Sorry to anyone who visited my blog while I was revamping it. I didn't mean for it to take so long and granted it didn't take overly long. But still... I hope you all like the new look. I found the background online and fell in love with it! Teal and white is one of my favorite color combos. Add a little gray into the mix and its PERFECT!!!
I need this little change. Its amazing how much just one little change can affect how you feel about life. Even something as small as what your blog looks like. Or changing your hair or getting a new outfit or new shoes. All little things. But they definitely make me feel better about life and motivates me to keep moving on. I guess you could say having your life under construction every now and again is very helpful.
So now that I have some little things changed in my life, I can focus on the bigger picture and work on the other (not so small) things that will help me be a more cheerful, happy person. I got my hard hat on and am ready for work! :)
I need this little change. Its amazing how much just one little change can affect how you feel about life. Even something as small as what your blog looks like. Or changing your hair or getting a new outfit or new shoes. All little things. But they definitely make me feel better about life and motivates me to keep moving on. I guess you could say having your life under construction every now and again is very helpful.
So now that I have some little things changed in my life, I can focus on the bigger picture and work on the other (not so small) things that will help me be a more cheerful, happy person. I got my hard hat on and am ready for work! :)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Canker. (Such an ugly word) Definition: an erosive or spreading sore. They are most commonly seen in the mouth around the gums and the cheeks. They are painful and annoying. No sure cause.
I used to NEVER get cankers. Only on rare occasions after having something really sour and citrusy (not sure that's even a word). But then I got into college and things changed. There was a time when I had a canker in my d*** mouth for over two months. Painful? HECK FREAKING YEAH!!!!!
I was trying to figure out why in the world I was having all these cankers. Then I figured it out. I get cankers when I am stressed. And I'm not just talking about one lonely canker... I'm talking about 3 or 4 of the stupid little things at once.
Yesterday I was at dinner with my dear friend Liz Waite. As I was eating I noticed that there was something that hurt as I was eating my food. I couldn't figure it out for a bit but then I was like "Oh crap! That's a canker." At first I didn't think anything of it and just forgot about it. Then as the night went on I noticed that I had a few others in my mouth. I just didn't understand why all these cankers showed up all the sudden. As I was thinking about it, I figured it out.
And it sucks! So now I have 4 cankers in my mouth being painful little things. And I wish I could just make it all go away. But that would mean I would figure out what to do with my life. Which is going to take me a while. So I guess I'll just have to handle the canker sores in my mouth until that time. Wish me luck!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Arrrr!!! A PIrate's Life for Me!
Yo ho! Yo ho!
So last night I went to the midnight showing of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.
Let me quickly recap getting the tickets to the movie :
Let me quickly recap getting the tickets to the movie :
- Talking with Liz and being convinced to go to the midnight showing.
- Trying to figure out who was all going
- Somehow being roped into buying the tickets
- Buying 7 tickets for the people who said they wanted to go
- Having 2 more people decide they wanted to go
- 3 more people being added on.
- Finding seats that were all close together.
- CRAZY!!!!!
So that is what got me to the movie.
Was it worth my time and effort? HECK TO THE FREAKING YES!!!!
It was very well done. The cast was amazing!
There were some new characters that I just loved!!
Was it worth my time and effort? HECK TO THE FREAKING YES!!!!
It was very well done. The cast was amazing!
There were some new characters that I just loved!!
First we have Blackbeard. Great new villain. He did a fabulous job! Enjoyed learning a little bit more about this infamous pirate.
Next is Jack's new love interest, Angelica. Sexy woman, who is a perfect match for Jack. I am interested to see what they are going to do with the romance in the next movie
Then there is the love birds. Phillip and Syrena. Phillip is just sexy and such a great guy. Syrena is a mermaid and is gorgeous! I loved this strange romance in the movie!
It was a fabulous movie to say the least. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Finding Purpose
Lately I have felt like I am stuck in a rut... and I have no idea how to get out of it. I don't know what I need to change in my life to make it better. Do I continue with school? If so, what do I major in? What career path should I take? Do I just stop school and work full time? Do I go on a mission for my church? Do I move somewhere completely new and start over? Right now I am just like what the hell am I supposed to do with my life?!?! (Sorry, I don't usually swear but I am just upset).
I see my loved ones around me figuring it all out and I just wish that could be me! My sister, Kaitlyn, and one of my best friends both have just received their mission calls. They know that they need to give up 18 months of their lives to serve the Lord. I see all my friends around me deciding what they are going into at school and what career path they are choosing. Some of my friends are getting married and starting their families.
Opportunities come, and then they are gone.
I believe that among the greatest lessons we are to learn in this short sojourn upon the earth are lessons that help us distinguish between what is important and what is not.
I plead with you not to let those most important things pass you by as you plan for that illusive and nonexistent future when you will have time to do all that you want to do.
Instead, find joy in the journey—now".
I think I know what I need to work towards. Finding joy in my life. Being happy for my sister and friend on serving mission, for my friends getting married, and for everyone else in my life that is doing something great. As I go through changes in my life, which can leave me feeling like nothing is going right, I need to realize God's hand is in all things. He knows that this is something I need to learn and grow from. And as I try and figure it all out, I need to be happy.
I see my loved ones around me figuring it all out and I just wish that could be me! My sister, Kaitlyn, and one of my best friends both have just received their mission calls. They know that they need to give up 18 months of their lives to serve the Lord. I see all my friends around me deciding what they are going into at school and what career path they are choosing. Some of my friends are getting married and starting their families.
I know I should just figure out some type of goal to work towards and have faith that the Lord will make sure everything falls into the place at the appropriate time. President Monson said
The longer we live, the greater is our realization that it is brief."This is our one and only chance at mortal life—here and now.
Opportunities come, and then they are gone.
I believe that among the greatest lessons we are to learn in this short sojourn upon the earth are lessons that help us distinguish between what is important and what is not.
I plead with you not to let those most important things pass you by as you plan for that illusive and nonexistent future when you will have time to do all that you want to do.
Instead, find joy in the journey—now".
I think I know what I need to work towards. Finding joy in my life. Being happy for my sister and friend on serving mission, for my friends getting married, and for everyone else in my life that is doing something great. As I go through changes in my life, which can leave me feeling like nothing is going right, I need to realize God's hand is in all things. He knows that this is something I need to learn and grow from. And as I try and figure it all out, I need to be happy.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Big Time Rush
Ok... Don't judge me.
But I am kinda in love with the band Big Time Rush.
But I am kinda in love with the band Big Time Rush.
Are they a Nickelodeon band? Yes... Yes they are.
Do I care? Nope. Not at all.
It all started one night when I was just watching T.V. with my younger siblings.
The show "Big Time Rush" came on and we started watching it.
I asked them what this show was and they explained to me that it was a boy-band and their life at their boarding school.
I was like sweet I'll watch it, not knowing that I would fall in love with it!
I am guilty of watching the show.
But then my love for them grew even more.
They came out with the fabulous song "Boyfriend"
Please take a few minutes to listen to it.
Its kinda a dumb video.
But then again... Most music videos are.
Am I currently listening to it? OF COURSE!!
It is like the story of my life right now.
I wish I could have a boy sing this to me.
What girl wouldn't fall for a guy who was telling her that he just wants to date her?
My love for BTR grew from this song.
Granted, I didn't realize it was them for a little while.
But believe me, when I found out I was ecstatic!
So there you have it.
Alexa Smith still watches Nickelodeon.
And has a crush on Big Time rush.
So sue me... I like their music.
And they are super attractive
Oh and a shout out goes to Sarah Goodman's dad.
I found out today that he reads this blog everyday.
So hello Mr. Goodman!
You have the greatest daughter!
Do I care? Nope. Not at all.
It all started one night when I was just watching T.V. with my younger siblings.
The show "Big Time Rush" came on and we started watching it.
I asked them what this show was and they explained to me that it was a boy-band and their life at their boarding school.
I was like sweet I'll watch it, not knowing that I would fall in love with it!
I am guilty of watching the show.
But then my love for them grew even more.
They came out with the fabulous song "Boyfriend"
Please take a few minutes to listen to it.
Its kinda a dumb video.
But then again... Most music videos are.
Am I currently listening to it? OF COURSE!!
It is like the story of my life right now.
I wish I could have a boy sing this to me.
What girl wouldn't fall for a guy who was telling her that he just wants to date her?
My love for BTR grew from this song.
Granted, I didn't realize it was them for a little while.
But believe me, when I found out I was ecstatic!
So there you have it.
Alexa Smith still watches Nickelodeon.
And has a crush on Big Time rush.
So sue me... I like their music.
And they are super attractive
Oh and a shout out goes to Sarah Goodman's dad.
I found out today that he reads this blog everyday.
So hello Mr. Goodman!
You have the greatest daughter!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Mission Calls
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, members can serve missions to help spread the Gospel to people all around the world. Traditionally, the young men serve for 2 years after they turn 19 and young women can go out after they turn 21 and they serve for 18 months.
Today, my dear oldest sister got her mission call.
She has been called to serve in the Buenos Aires North mission.
She leaves August 17.
(which is the same day my brother left 6 years ago)
I am so excited for her!
She is going to be a great missionary for the Church.
It is going to be a great experience for her and I fully support her decision to go.
She is going to be missed greatly!!
And the reality that she will most likely be gone while one of us gets married is upsetting.
But if that person ends up being me, you can guarantee I will be going to Argentina on my honeymoon just to see my sister.
She has been called to serve in the Buenos Aires North mission.
She leaves August 17.
(which is the same day my brother left 6 years ago)
I am so excited for her!
She is going to be a great missionary for the Church.
It is going to be a great experience for her and I fully support her decision to go.
She is going to be missed greatly!!
And the reality that she will most likely be gone while one of us gets married is upsetting.
But if that person ends up being me, you can guarantee I will be going to Argentina on my honeymoon just to see my sister.
Kaitlyn, I just want you to know how much I love and admire you. You have been a great role model in my life and you continue to be a great example to me. I hope one day to be a great as you. You are going to be a wonderful missionary! I won't promise you anything, but I hope to write to you more than I wrote to Jacob. I love you so much!!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
We all have a mom in this world. Even if she has passed on or is not around... We all had a mother at one point in time in our lives. And each year we set aside a specific day to celebrate these wonderful women that brought us into this world. If it weren't for them, none of us would exist.
I know everyone says "I have the GREATEST mom in the WORLD!!!" but I beg to differ. It might be a little biased, but I truly believe that my own mother, Lana Smith, is the greatest mom and girl could ask for. She has been through many trying times in her life, but despite those times she always was a good mother. I feel she has raised me well. She has been there for me through all of the hard times in my life. And even though she could have easily told me "I told you so" she never did. I know it must have been hard on her to see her daughter get hurt or make a stupid mistake, but her support is what got me through that difficult time.
Mom, if you are reading this know that I love and appreciate everything you have done for me and everything you are continuing to do for me! You are so great! I am blessed to be able to say I am your daughter! I hope one day to be a great mom like you! I love you!!!
I know everyone says "I have the GREATEST mom in the WORLD!!!" but I beg to differ. It might be a little biased, but I truly believe that my own mother, Lana Smith, is the greatest mom and girl could ask for. She has been through many trying times in her life, but despite those times she always was a good mother. I feel she has raised me well. She has been there for me through all of the hard times in my life. And even though she could have easily told me "I told you so" she never did. I know it must have been hard on her to see her daughter get hurt or make a stupid mistake, but her support is what got me through that difficult time.
Mom, if you are reading this know that I love and appreciate everything you have done for me and everything you are continuing to do for me! You are so great! I am blessed to be able to say I am your daughter! I hope one day to be a great mom like you! I love you!!!
Friday, May 6, 2011
I've Got the Grey's
Most of you are probably like "Isn't it 'I've got the blues'?"
Well yes... Yes that is what people usually say.
But I'm not experiencing feeling "blue" right now.
I am actually feeling GREY-T!
Why is it that?
It is because my sister and I have gotten our mom addicted to Grey's Anatomy.
Well yes... Yes that is what people usually say.
But I'm not experiencing feeling "blue" right now.
I am actually feeling GREY-T!
Why is it that?
It is because my sister and I have gotten our mom addicted to Grey's Anatomy.
Which by the way is my all time favorite show.
So have I been ditching out on my friends to come home and watch it?
I am loving watching it all from the beginning again.
Sure I miss out on an episode here or there.
But still just watching it all again makes my heart so happy!
If you don't watch Grey's Anatomy...
You are definitely missing out!!
So have I been ditching out on my friends to come home and watch it?
I am loving watching it all from the beginning again.
Sure I miss out on an episode here or there.
But still just watching it all again makes my heart so happy!
If you don't watch Grey's Anatomy...
You are definitely missing out!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
One of Those Days
We've all had "One of those days". They are just the days where you feel like the world is in a constant battle against you and there is ABSOLUTELY nothing you can do about it!
I'm afraid that I had "one of those days" today. And I'll be the first to say that it was NOT fun at all! First is the crazy dream I had and how it made me miss someone that is no longer apart of my life. Then, a big fat reality check. Money is important. Which is lame! After that was boring work all day. And don't worry... The computers stopped working for a bit. Frustrating? YES! Tried calling some people to get some help for other things but did they answer? Of course not! Once I got home I just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep the night away. But I chose to be a good girl and get some things done. Hopefully they will all help out eventually.
To top it all off... I've just been on the verge of tears all day. Is it because of the stupid confusing dream? Why yes... Yes it is. If I could just forget that dream, I think I could finish this day on a good note. But it does not seem likely that it will be leaving my brain anytime soon.
So that is all. Sorry its a super depressing one. Just needed to get it all out of my system in some form. Thanks for reading!
I'm afraid that I had "one of those days" today. And I'll be the first to say that it was NOT fun at all! First is the crazy dream I had and how it made me miss someone that is no longer apart of my life. Then, a big fat reality check. Money is important. Which is lame! After that was boring work all day. And don't worry... The computers stopped working for a bit. Frustrating? YES! Tried calling some people to get some help for other things but did they answer? Of course not! Once I got home I just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep the night away. But I chose to be a good girl and get some things done. Hopefully they will all help out eventually.
To top it all off... I've just been on the verge of tears all day. Is it because of the stupid confusing dream? Why yes... Yes it is. If I could just forget that dream, I think I could finish this day on a good note. But it does not seem likely that it will be leaving my brain anytime soon.
So that is all. Sorry its a super depressing one. Just needed to get it all out of my system in some form. Thanks for reading!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Weekend
What an amazing Easter weekend I've had so far. There has been everything from Easter egg hunts to wedding proposals to elephants.
Yesterday morning, I went to my dear friend's, Jenn Hansen, house for an Easter egg hunt with all of our friends. We had a delicious breakfast prepared by Jenn, Heather, and Jacque. (We even set the fire alarm off). After breakfast, we all went outside, some pushing and shoving was involved, and we set off on our Easter egg hunt! We all went crazy looking for the eggs. Some (Easton, Willy, and Ricky) all went insane! But I guess it paid off for them seeing that they got the most. After we opened all the eggs up and emptied the goodies out, a war broke out. Eggs were flying in every direction!! But it was great fun! Then came our pyramid. It took us a few minutes but we were able to get in all finished and stayed up for about a minute before it collapsed.
After the hunt, I went with my friend, Spencer Arave, to help our friend propose to his girlfriend, or fiance now. We got up to the spot where we were supposed to hide to record the whole proposal. There were some funny moments along the way... Like a lot. A few caught on tape and others not. But it was so great seeing one of our friends propose to his now fiance and see how happy the both were. As soon as I get a copy of the video I will post it and let you all see how much fun Spencer and I had.
Last night was great fun as well!! It started out with going to my brother's school play, Alice in Wonderland. It was short and sweet. And so good!! I was quite impressed. Courtney, Emma, and I all thought it was fabulous! But I think our most favorite part was the sign in the picture below. We thought it was just so funny. "Devils Don't Cheat". Classic.
After that we went to a fantastic movie. Water for Elephants is one that everyone should see. So good! Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon did a fantastic job! It was definitely touching and at some parts I wanted to cry. But boys, don't think its a chick flick. Its one that you will enjoy as well.
Out of everything I did this weekend, nothing can compare to my Easter Sunday. It always starts out the same with an Easter egg hunt with the family. Always a good time. But the hunt is nothing compared to Easter breakfast in the Smith home. Here is what the breakfast consists of: First you take the Wheaties. You put the Wheaties in the bowl. Next you take the strawberries and put them on top of the Wheaties. After that come the Pineapple sherbet which goes on top. To complete it all, pour on the half-and-half. And Bon Appetite! Don't judge it until you've tried it. So weird and random but oh so delicious!
Easter, I've decided, is one of my favorite holidays. It is so bright and colorful. Spring is everywhere! But what I love most about it is the actual meaning behind this day. The Resurrection of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for His loving sacrifice! I know that I would be lost if I did not have the atonement in my life. To know that He suffered for my sins and made it possible for me personally to return to live with my Heavenly Father again is just incredible. I know that Christ rose again on the third day. I know that He is my Redeemer. I am so thankful for Him and everything He went through. I love my Savior with all my heart!
I hope you all have had a great Easter weekend! But most of all, I hope that you have remembered what this day Easter Sunday is truly about.
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